我知道如何为 TXT 文件执行此操作,但现在我在为 CSV 文件执行此操作时遇到了一些麻烦。
如何在 Python 中从底部读取 CSV 文件?
import csv
with open('test.csv', 'r') as textfile:
for row in reversed(list(csv.reader(textfile))):
print ', '.join(row)
。因此,我们采用 Darius Bacon 在“在 python 中搜索文件的最后 x 行的最有效方法”中提出的技术来向后读取文件的行,而不必拉入整个文件:
import os
def reversed_lines(file):
"Generate the lines of file in reverse order."
part = ''
for block in reversed_blocks(file):
for c in reversed(block):
if c == '\n' and part:
yield part[::-1]
part = ''
part += c
if part: yield part[::-1]
def reversed_blocks(file, blocksize=4096):
"Generate blocks of file's contents in reverse order."
file.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
here = file.tell()
while 0 < here:
delta = min(blocksize, here)
here -= delta
file.seek(here, os.SEEK_SET)
yield file.read(delta)
import csv
with open('test.csv', 'r') as textfile:
for row in csv.reader(reversed_lines(textfile)):
print ', '.join(row)
有一个更 Pythonic 的解决方案可能,它不需要对内存中的块进行逐个字符的反转(提示:只需获取块中有行尾的索引列表,反转它,并使用它来切块),并使用chain
值得注意的是,上面的 reversed_lines() 习惯用法仅在 CSV 文件中的列不包含换行符时才有效。
def reversed_lines(file):
"Generate the lines of file in reverse order."
part = ''
quoting = False
for block in reversed_blocks(file):
for c in reversed(block):
if c == '"':
quoting = not quoting
elif c == '\n' and part and not quoting:
yield part[::-1]
part = ''
part += c
if part: yield part[::-1]
当然,如果您的 CSV 方言不使用"
以@mike-desimone 的回答为基础。这是一个解决方案,它提供与 python 文件对象相同的结构,但逐行反向读取:
import os
class ReversedFile(object):
def __init__(self, f, mode='r'):
Wraps a file object with methods that make it be read in reverse line-by-line
if ``f`` is a filename opens a new file object
if mode != 'r':
raise ValueError("ReversedFile only supports read mode (mode='r')")
if not type(f) == file:
# likely a filename
f = open(f)
self.file = f
self.lines = self._reversed_lines()
def _reversed_lines(self):
"Generate the lines of file in reverse order."
part = ''
for block in self._reversed_blocks():
for c in reversed(block):
if c == '\n' and part:
yield part[::-1]
part = ''
part += c
if part: yield part[::-1]
def _reversed_blocks(self, blocksize=4096):
"Generate blocks of file's contents in reverse order."
file = self.file
file.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
here = file.tell()
while 0 < here:
delta = min(blocksize, here)
here -= delta
file.seek(here, os.SEEK_SET)
yield file.read(delta)
def __getattribute__(self, name):
Allows for the underlying file attributes to come through
# ReversedFile attribute
return super(ReversedFile, self).__getattribute__(name)
except AttributeError:
# self.file attribute
return getattr(self.file, name)
def __iter__(self):
Creates iterator
return self
def seek(self):
raise NotImplementedError('ReversedFile does not support seek')
def next(self):
Next item in the sequence
return self.lines.next()
def read(self):
Returns the entire contents of the file reversed line by line
contents = ''
for line in self:
contents += line
return contents
def readline(self):
Returns the next line from the bottom
return self.next()
def readlines(self):
Returns all remaining lines from the bottom of the file in reverse
return [x for x in self]
去吧。这是一个从 CSV 文件中反转行的简单程序。
import csv
BC_file = open('Master.csv', 'rb')
BC_reader = csv.reader(BC_file)
for row in reversed(list(BC_reader)):
print row[0]