我几乎没有 VBA 经验,除了从我看到的其他电子表格的情况来看,我确信这一定是可能的。我已经搜索了所有内容,但找不到任何我可以使用的帮助或代码的解释。我希望有人能帮帮忙。


作为一个例子,这里是一个图像的链接,该图像显示了数据当前的外观(工作簿称为“Orders.csv”,但如果需要,我可以转换为 xlsx):


正如您所看到的,如果客户购买了多个产品(不是产品的数量,是完全不同的产品),它会列在行中。第一个产品从 H 列开始,第二个从 O 列开始,第三个从 V 列开始,依此类推。



因此,每个产品都列在彼此的下方,并且前面有相同的客户详细信息。这样发票软件就可以检查每个订单 ID 并相应地创建显示所有不同产品的发票。




2 回答 2


我设法从 elsewere 获得了我自己的问题的答案,但我想我会与可能感兴趣的每个人分享答案,因为答案是准确而深入的。

'****This macro is to use on sheets within the same workbook
'****If you want to transfer your data to another workbook you
'****will have to alter the code somewhat, but the idea is the same

Sub copydata()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet

Set ws1 = Worksheets("Ouput sheet") 'whatever you worksheet is
Set ws2 = Worksheets("Orders") 'or whatever your worksheet is called

'Item 1 - I'm calling the separate sections where each item ordered is in your worksheet Item 1, Item 2
'this encompasses columns H-N for item 1, etc, etc
r = 3 'this is the first row where your data will output
x = 3 'this is the first row where you want to check for data
Do Until ws2.Range("A" & x) = "" 'This will loop until column A is empty, set the column to whatever you want
                            'but it cannot have blanks in it, or it will stop looping. Choose a column that is
                            'always going to have data in it.

If Not ws2.Range("H" & x).Value = "" Then 'This checks your column H to make sure it's not empty
                                            'If empty, it goes on to the next line, if not it copies the data.
                                            'This column should be something that will have something in it if
                                            'there is a product ordered for Item 1
                                            'i.e. don't choose column J if it will have blanks where there is
                                            'actually an item ordered

'this section copies the data, the worksheet left of the = sign is the one data will be written to
    ws1.Range("A" & r).Value = ws2.Range("A" & x).Value 'Order Date
    ws1.Range("B" & r).Value = ws2.Range("B" & x).Value 'Order ID
    ws1.Range("C" & r).Value = ws2.Range("C" & x).Value 'Customer
    ws1.Range("D" & r).Value = ws2.Range("D" & x).Value 'Billing Add
    ws1.Range("E" & r).Value = ws2.Range("E" & x).Value 'Subtotal
    ws1.Range("F" & r).Value = ws2.Range("F" & x).Value 'Tax Amount
    ws1.Range("G" & r).Value = ws2.Range("G" & x).Value 'Total Amount
    ws1.Range("H" & r).Value = ws2.Range("H" & x).Value 'Product ID
    ws1.Range("I" & r).Value = ws2.Range("I" & x).Value 'Column J - couldn't read your headings for a few of these
    ws1.Range("J" & r).Value = ws2.Range("J" & x).Value 'Column K
    ws1.Range("K" & r).Value = ws2.Range("K" & x).Value 'L
    ws1.Range("L" & r).Value = ws2.Range("L" & x).Value 'Price
    ws1.Range("M" & r).Value = ws2.Range("M" & x).Value 'Attributes

    r = r + 1 'Advances r and x when there is a matching case
    x = x + 1
    x = x + 1 'Advances only x (to check the next line) when there is not a matching case,
                'i.e. your output line stays on the next line down from where it last wrote data
                'while x advances
End If
Loop 'End of Item 1

'Item 2

x = 3 'this time we only define x, we want r to stay where it's at so it can continue copying the data into one
    'seamless list
Do Until ws2.Range("A" & x) = "" 'still want this to stay the same

If Not ws2.Range("O" & x).Value = "" Then 'This one needs to change to match the column in your second Item

'the ranges on ws1 will stay the same, ws2 ranges pertaining to customer data stay the same, ws2 ranges pertaining
'to specific Item 2 info will change
    ws1.Range("A" & r).Value = ws2.Range("A" & x).Value 'Order Date       *SAME
    ws1.Range("B" & r).Value = ws2.Range("B" & x).Value 'Order ID       *SAME
    ws1.Range("C" & r).Value = ws2.Range("C" & x).Value 'Customer       *SAME
    ws1.Range("D" & r).Value = ws2.Range("D" & x).Value 'Billing Add       *SAME
    ws1.Range("E" & r).Value = ws2.Range("E" & x).Value 'Subtotal       *SAME
    ws1.Range("F" & r).Value = ws2.Range("F" & x).Value 'Tax Amount       *SAME
    ws1.Range("G" & r).Value = ws2.Range("G" & x).Value 'Total Amount       *SAME
    ws1.Range("H" & r).Value = ws2.Range("O" & x).Value 'Product ID       *CHANGED!!!!
    ws1.Range("I" & r).Value = ws2.Range("P" & x).Value 'Column J       *CHANGED!!!!
    ws1.Range("J" & r).Value = ws2.Range("Q" & x).Value 'Column K       *CHANGED!!!!
    ws1.Range("K" & r).Value = ws2.Range("R" & x).Value 'L       *CHANGED!!!!
    ws1.Range("L" & r).Value = ws2.Range("S" & x).Value 'Price       *CHANGED!!!!
    ws1.Range("M" & r).Value = ws2.Range("T" & x).Value 'Attributes       *CHANGED!!!!

    r = r + 1 'Advances r and x when there is a matching case
    x = x + 1
    x = x + 1 'Advances only x (to check the next line) when there is not a matching case,
                'i.e. your output line stays on the next line down from where it last wrote data
                'while x advances
End If
Loop 'End of Item 2
'simply copy Item 2 code and change the appropriate values to match Items 3,4,5,6, etc, etc

'You will get a list of all the info for Item 1, follow by all info for Item 2, etc, etc
'i.e. if Paul orders 2 items, they won't end up right below each other, but his second
'item will end up farther down, but will still be on the list
'If this is not what you want you could sort afterwards or alter the code, but it is a significant alteration

End Sub
于 2012-07-03T17:43:09.790 回答


  1. 循环遍历行
  2. 对于每一行,获取占用的列数。
  3. 通过简单的数学查找行中的订单数(假设每个产品订单占用相同的列数)
  4. 循环订单 - 将产品数据复制到新工作表中
  5. 对于这些复制操作中的每一个,从最外层循环中正在处理的行中复制客户数据。
  6. 至于最后一个要求。在您的宏中打开工作簿 orders.csv(假设文件名和位置保持不变)并对其进行上述所有操作。

我可以给你写。但是,如果您自己编写它,这对您来说将是一次很好的学习体验。您将可以在 stackoverflow 上找到大多数查询的答案(例如如何获取一行中占用的列数等)。

此外,通过此页面开始使用 Excel VBA: http ://www.functionx.com/vbaexcel/

于 2012-06-12T03:55:30.627 回答