我有时间说"01:30:00"我想把它转换成one hour,thirty mins,zero seconds.

我尝试通过添加将数字转换为文本并在那里添加."hours".",". ."mins" ,但是还有其他方法可以获取数据,例如时间到单词?


1 回答 1



    /*** start time ***/ 
    $start = strtotime('10:30 January 7 2004'); 
    /*** time now in seconds ***/ 
        $now = time(); 
    /*** do the math ***/ 
        $seconds = $now-$start; 

     * @convert seconds to words 
     * @param INT $seconds 
     * @return string 
        function secondsToWords($seconds) 
        /*** number of days ***/ 
        /*** if more than one day ***/ 
        $plural = $days > 1 ? 'days' : 'day'; 
        /*** number of hours ***/ 
                $hours = (int)(($seconds-($days*86400))/3600); 
        /*** number of mins ***/ 
        $mins = (int)(($seconds-$days*86400-$hours*3600)/60); 
        /*** number of seconds ***/ 
        $secs = (int)($seconds - ($days*86400)-($hours*3600)-($mins*60)); 
        /*** return the string ***/ 
                return sprintf("%d $plural, %d hours, %d min, %d sec", $days, $hours, $mins, $secs);

    /*** example usage ***/ 

    /*** start time ***/ 
    $start = strtotime('10:30 January 7 2004'); 
    /*** time now in seconds ***/ 
    $now = time(); 
    /*** do the math ***/ 
    $seconds = $now-$start; 

    /*** show the words ***/ 
    echo secondsToWords($seconds); 

于 2012-06-07T13:36:45.750 回答