我试图移动 youtube 上的“关闭”按钮。每当我尝试添加如下代码时:

'onComplete': function(){

该链接直接指向 Youtube,而不是在模态框中播放。




<a class="fancybox-media" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqRPrGeBVL0&autoplay=1&autohide=1" >Youtube</a>


$("a.fancybox-media").click(function() {
          'padding'             : 0,
          'autoScale'   : false,
          'transitionIn'        : 'none',
          'transitionOut'       : 'none',
          'title'               : this.title,
          'width'               : 680,
          'height'              : 495,
          'autoPlay'            :'true',
          'href'                : this.href.replace(new RegExp("watch\\?v=", "i"),
          'type'                : 'swf',    // <--add a comma here
          'swf'                 : {'allowfullscreen':'true'} // <-- flashvars here
       return false;

笔记 -


2 回答 2


As I mentioned in the other question, add to your script

'onComplete': function(){

just make sure that you separate the options with a comma like:

$("a.fancybox-media").click(function() {
  'padding'             : 0,
  'autoScale'   : false,
  'transitionIn'        : 'none',
  'transitionOut'       : 'none',
  'title'               : this.title,
  'width'               : 680,
  'height'              : 495,
  'autoPlay'            :'true',
  'href'                : this.href.replace(new RegExp("watch\\?v=", "i"), 'v/'),
  'type'                : 'swf', 
  // the swf option IS NOT the last option anymore so it needs a trialing comma !!!
  'swf'                 : {'allowfullscreen':'true'}, // <-- ADDED a comma here
  'onComplete': function(){
 return false;

DEMO: See it working here

Side notes: if you add another option, like overlayColor to change the background color, always make sure that every option is separated by a comma but the last.

UPDATE: If you want to change the opacity AND move the close button, do it within the same onComplete option like

'onComplete': function(){
    $("#fancybox-close").css({"opacity": 0.4,"right": -30});

I updated the DEMO too

UPDATE #2 (just for fun): You could apply interesting effects like restoring the opacity of the close button on mouse hover (everything within the onComplete option) like

  'onComplete': function(){
    $("#fancybox-close").css({"opacity": 0.4,"right": -30})
        $(this).css({"opacity": 1});
        $(this).css({"opacity": 0.4});

(also updated in the DEMO)

于 2012-06-07T16:40:05.020 回答


#fancybox-close {
    opacity: 0.5 !important;
于 2012-06-07T13:34:44.720 回答