<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:output indent="yes"/>
    <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

    <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

    <xsl:template match="*[*][deep-equal(.,preceding::*[name()=current()/name()][@id=current()/@id][1])]"/>


    <nodeA id="a">
        <section id="i">  
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> 

            <item1 id="1" method="create">

        <section id="i">
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
            <item1 id="3" method="create">

            <item1 id="0" method="change"> 
            <item1 id="0" method="change"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->


    <nodeA id="a">
        <section id="i">  
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> 

            <item1 id="1" method="create">

        <section id="i">
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
            <item1 id="3" method="create">

            <item1 id="0" method="change"> 

*但问题是当我有另一个nodeA不同的节点时id,它会将这两个节点视为一个 *


    <nodeA id="a">
        <section id="i">  
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> 

            <item1 id="1" method="create">

        <section id="i">
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
            <item1 id="3" method="create">

            <item1 id="0" method="change"> 
            <item1 id="0" method="change"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->

    <nodeA id="b">
        <section id="i">  
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> 

            <item1 id="1" method="create">

        <section id="i">
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
            <item1 id="3" method="create">

            <item1 id="0" method="change"> 
            <item1 id="0" method="change"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->


   <nodeA id="a">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create">
         <item1 id="1" method="create">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create"><!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this --><somechild>bbb</somechild>
         <item1 id="3" method="create">
         <item1 id="0" method="change">
   <nodeA id="b">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create"><!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this --><somechild>bbb</somechild>
         <item1 id="0" method="change">


    <nodeA id="a">
        <section id="i">  
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> 

            <item1 id="1" method="create">

        <section id="i">
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
            <item1 id="3" method="create">

            <item1 id="0" method="change"> 

    <nodeA id="b">
        <section id="i">  
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> 

            <item1 id="1" method="create">

        <section id="i">
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
            <item1 id="3" method="create">

            <item1 id="0" method="change"> 

我应该在 XSLT 文件上添加什么以使其适用于两个或多个节点父级nodeAnodeB

  • 目标是删除具有successive duplicate相同元素名称item1 item2等的节点,相同id和相同method

  • 一个 XML 节点后跟具有精确same element namesame idsame method的其他节点same children将被视为重复。

  • 如果被比较的两个节点不共享相同的“nodeA”级别节点,则不应将它们视为要删除的重复项



2 回答 2



<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
    <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
    <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

 <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
       <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

 <xsl:template match=
      [for $current in .,
           $curNodeAnc in $current/ancestor::*[starts-with(name(), 'node')][1]
           some $preceding in $current/preceding::*
                 $curNodeAnc is $preceding/ancestor::*[starts-with(name(), 'node')][1]
                 deep-equal($current, $preceding)


应用于提供的 XML 文档时

        <nodeA id="a">
            <section id="i">
                <item1 id="0" method="create">

                <item1 id="1" method="create">

            <section id="i">
                <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
                <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
                <item1 id="3" method="create">

                <item1 id="0" method="change">
                <item1 id="0" method="change"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->

        <nodeA id="b">
            <section id="i">
                <item1 id="0" method="create">

                <item1 id="1" method="create">

            <section id="i">
                <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
                <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
                <item1 id="3" method="create">

                <item1 id="0" method="change">
                <item1 id="0" method="change"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->


   <nodeA id="a">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create">
         <item1 id="1" method="create">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create"><!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
         <item1 id="3" method="create">
         <item1 id="0" method="change">
   <nodeA id="b">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create">
         <item1 id="1" method="create">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create"><!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
         <item1 id="3" method="create">
         <item1 id="0" method="change">
于 2012-06-11T12:53:42.927 回答


    <nodeA id="a">
        <section id="i">  
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> 

            <item1 id="1" method="create">

        <section id="i">
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
            <item1 id="3" method="create">

            <item1 id="0" method="change"> 
            <item1 id="0" method="change"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->

    <nodeA id="b">
        <section id="i">  
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> 

            <item1 id="1" method="create">

        <section id="i">
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
            <item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
            <item1 id="3" method="create">

            <item1 id="0" method="change"> 
            <item1 id="0" method="change"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->


<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:output indent="yes"/>
    <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

    <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

    <xsl:template match="*[*]
                       [@id = current()/@id]
                       [../../@id = current()/../../@id]
                       [1])]" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <nodeA id="a">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create">
         <item1 id="1" method="create">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create"><!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this --><somechild>bbb</somechild>
         <item1 id="3" method="create">
         <item1 id="0" method="change">
   <nodeA id="b">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create">
         <item1 id="1" method="create">
      <section id="i">
         <item1 id="0" method="create"><!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this --><somechild>bbb</somechild>
         <item1 id="3" method="create">
         <item1 id="0" method="change">


<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:output indent="yes"/>
    <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

    <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

    <xsl:template match="*[*]
                       [@id = current()/@id]
                       [../../@id = current()/../../@id]
                       [1])]" >
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" />
             <xsl:value-of select="'Parent of this node will be REMOVED.'" />
             <xsl:value-of select="../../@id" />
            <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />
于 2012-06-11T12:42:57.693 回答