SELECT s.Name0, DisplayName0, Publisher0, s.AD_Site_Name0, TopConsoleUser0, LastUsedTime0
FROM v_Add_Remove_Programs arp,V_R_system s,
v_FullCollectionMembership fcm,
WHERE fcm.CollectionID = 'SMS00001' and
arp.ResourceID=fcm.ResourceID and
arp.ResourceID=s.ResourceID and
arp.ResourceID=rua.ResourceID and
arp.ResourceID=scu.ResourceID and
DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Office%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Excel%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%database engine%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%slide%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%frontpage%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%SharePoint%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Live%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%PowerPoint%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Word%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%XML%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Communicator%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%SR-1%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Resource%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Visio%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Web%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%XP%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Sounds%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%OneNote%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Click%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Primary%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Standard%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Connector%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Pack%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Add-in%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Validation%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Components%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Proof%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%' or
DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Project%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Pack%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%' or
DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Access%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%engine%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Runtime%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Standard%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Connector%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Pack%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Add-in%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Validation%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Components%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Proof%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%' or
DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Project%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Pack%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Trial%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%' or
DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Access%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%engine%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%' or
DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Visio%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Pack%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Viewer%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%'
GROUP BY DisplayName0, Publisher0, s.AD_Site_Name0, s.Name0, LastUsedTime0, TopConsoleUser0
ORDER BY Publisher0