大卫的回答是 100% 正确的。我刚刚使用GHUnit添加了四个显式示例。
- (void) test_usingNSObjects
NSObject *value1 = [[NSObject alloc] init];
NSObject *value2 = [[NSObject alloc] init];
NSObject *value3 = [[NSObject alloc] init];
__strong NSObject *sRefToValue = value1;
__weak NSObject *wRefToValue = value2;
__unsafe_unretained NSObject *uRefToValue = value3;
value1 = value2 = value3 = nil;
@"Strong reference to the object that was originally \
assigned to value1. Even though value1 was set to nil, the \
strong reference to the object keeps the object from being \
@"Weak reference to the object that was originally assigned to \
value2. When value2 was set to nil, the weak reference does \
not prevent the object from being destroyed. The weak \
reference is also set to nil.");
// Removing the #ifdef and #endif lines will result in a EXC_BAD_ACCESS
// signal. Receiving a EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal is the expected behavior for
// that code.
@"Unsafe unretained reference to the object that was \
originally assigned to value3. When value3 was set to nil, \
the unsafe unretained reference does not prevent the object \
from being destroyed. The unsafe unretained reference is \
unaltered and the reference is invalid. Accessing the \
reference will result in EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal.");
// To avoid future EXC_BAD_ACCESS signals.
uRefToValue = nil;
文字s (@"something")的生命周期限定符行为。
这与 基本相同test_usingNSObjects
,但不是使用 a NSObject
分配了文字字符串的 a 。由于文字字符串不会像其他对象一样被破坏,因此可以观察到变量__weak
- (void) test_usingLiteralNSStrings
NSString *value1 = @"string 1";
NSString *value2 = @"string 2";
NSString *value3 = @"string 3";
__strong NSString *sRefToValue = value1;
__weak NSString *wRefToValue = value2;
__unsafe_unretained NSString *uRefToValue = value3;
value1 = value2 = value3 = nil;
@"Strong reference to the object that was originally \
assigned to value1. Even though value1 was set to nil, \
literal strings are not destroyed.");
@"Weak reference to the object that was originally assigned \
to value2. Even though value2 was set to nil, \
literal strings are not destroyed so the weak reference is \
still valid.");
@"Unsafe unretained reference to the object that was \
originally assigned to value3. Even though value3 was set \
to nil, literal strings are not destroyed so the unsafe \
unretained reference is still valid.");
非文字 s的生命周期限定符行为NSString
这与 基本相同test_usingNSObjects
,但不是使用 a NSObject
分配了非文字字符串的 a 。由于非文字字符串像其他对象一样被销毁,因此行为与在 中观察到的相同test_usingNSObjects
- (void) test_usingNonliteralNSStrings
NSString *value1 = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"string 1"];
NSString *value2 = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"string 2"];
NSString *value3 = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"string 3"];
__strong NSString *sRefToValue = value1;
__weak NSString *wRefToValue = value2;
__unsafe_unretained NSString *uRefToValue = value3;
value1 = value2 = value3 = nil;
@"Strong reference to the object that was originally \
assigned to value1. Even though value1 was set to nil, the \
strong reference to the object keeps the object from being \
@"Weak reference to the object that was originally assigned to \
value2. When value2 was set to nil, the weak reference does \
not prevent the object from being destroyed. The weak \
reference is also set to nil.");
// Removing the #ifdef and #endif lines will result in a EXC_BAD_ACCESS
// signal. Receiving a EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal is the expected behavior for
// that code.
@"Unsafe unretained reference to the object that was \
originally assigned to value3. When value3 was set to nil, \
the unsafe unretained reference does not prevent the object \
from being destroyed. The unsafe unretained reference is \
unaltered and the reference is invalid. Accessing the \
reference will result in EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal.");
// To avoid future EXC_BAD_ACCESS signals.
uRefToValue = nil;
创造 - 文字与非文字。
- (void) test_stringCreation
NSString *literalString = @"literalString";
NSString *referenced = literalString;
NSString *copy = [literalString copy];
NSString *initWithString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:literalString];
NSString *initWithFormat = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@", literalString];
// Testing that the memory addresses of referenced objects are the same.
GHAssertEquals(literalString, @"literalString", @"literal");
GHAssertEquals(referenced, @"literalString", @"literal");
GHAssertEquals(copy, @"literalString", @"literal");
GHAssertEquals(initWithString, @"literalString", @"literal");
GHAssertNotEquals(initWithFormat, @"literalString",
@"nonliteral - referenced objects' memory addresses are \
// Testing that the objects referenced are equal, i.e. isEqual: .
GHAssertEqualObjects(literalString, @"literalString", nil);
GHAssertEqualObjects(referenced, @"literalString", nil);
GHAssertEqualObjects(copy, @"literalString", nil);
GHAssertEqualObjects(initWithString, @"literalString", nil);
GHAssertEqualObjects(initWithFormat, @"literalString", nil);
// Testing that the strings referenced are the same, i.e. isEqualToString: .
GHAssertEqualStrings(literalString, @"literalString", nil);
GHAssertEqualStrings(referenced, @"literalString", nil);
GHAssertEqualStrings(copy, @"literalString", nil);
GHAssertEqualStrings(initWithString, @"literalString", nil);
GHAssertEqualStrings(initWithFormat, @"literalString", nil);