我有一系列按钮,其中包含使用 Jquery mobile 的 photoswipe 插件的图像。现在,我在每个按钮(位于 内部.gallery li a)中都有文本,但如果图像太小或浏览器太窄,文本会随着按钮变小而超出查看部分。我想要它以便文本换行并且按钮仍然封装文本无论如何。我试过使用white-space:normalandword-wrap:break-word来做到这一点,但无济于事。除了在加载之前将文本添加到图像中之外,还有其他方法吗?


1 回答 1


use data-inline="true" within the anchor Inline makes the button as wide as the text inside of it needs to be but if you have a paragraph within a button then that may not be your solution it would be best to have a fixed width in that case so it wraps

于 2012-06-06T15:58:28.037 回答