I'm building the landing page for an iPhone app, and i would like to add a video modal window to our page. It would be very similar to: https://path.com/ .

I found this page "Popup Jquery window to play youtube" but i don't know how to decrease the size of the video (I don't want it playing full screen).


1 回答 1


的东西很容易 你需要在你的 html 页面中添加JQuery,然后是 colorbox 脚本,然后

<a href="your_youtube_link" class="video_layer">play me</a>

从 youtube 上视频下方的嵌入选项卡获取 youtube 链接,您可以在那里设置框架的宽度和高度。

于 2012-06-06T14:37:00.820 回答