我有一个嵌入在平面上的平面图(平面图)并且想要搜索它的面。该图不是连接的,而是由几个连接的图组成,这些图不能单独寻址(例如,子图可以包含在另一个图的面上)我想找到包含某个二维点的多边形(面)。多边形由图形的面形成。由于面孔的数量很大,我想避免事先确定它们。这种搜索的一般复杂性是什么,我可以使用什么 c++ 库/编码方法来完成它。

更新以澄清:我在这里指的是 xy 平面中的图表


1 回答 1



无需熟悉 Cauchy 即可遵循代码,因为代码中的注释解释了该技术。

#include <vector>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>

// This program takes its data from the standard input
// stream like this:
//      1.2  0.5
//     -0.1 -0.2
//      2.7 -0.3
//      2.5  2.9
//      0.1  2.8
// Given such input, the program answers whether the
// point (1.2, 0.5) does not lie within the polygon
// whose vertices, in sequence, are (-0.1, -0.2),
// (2.7, -0.3), (2.5, 2.9) and (0.1, 2.8).  Naturally,
// the program wants at least three vertices, so it
// requires the input of at least eight numbers (where
// the example has four vertices and thus ten numbers).
// This code lacks really robust error handling, which
// could however be added without too much trouble.
// Also, its function angle_swept() could be shortened
// at cost to readability; but this is not done here,
// since the function is already hard enough to grasp as
// it stands.

const double TWOPI = 8.0 * atan2(1.0, 1.0); // two times pi, or 360 deg

namespace {

    struct Point {
        double x;
        double y;
        Point(const double x0 = 0.0, const double y0 = 0.0)
          : x(x0), y(y0) {}

    // As it happens, for the present code's purpose,
    // a Point and a Vector want exactly the same
    // members and operations; thus, make the one a
    // synonym for the other.
    typedef Point Vector;

    std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &ist, Point &point) {
        double x1, y1;
        if(ist >> x1 >> y1) point = Point(x1, y1);
        return ist;

    // Calculate the vector from one point to another.
    Vector operator-(const Point &point2, const Point &point1) {
        return Vector(point2.x - point1.x, point2.y - point1.y);

    // Calculate the dot product of two Vectors.
    // Overload the "*" operator for this purpose.
    double operator*(const Vector &vector1, const Vector &vector2) {
        return vector1.x*vector2.x + vector1.y*vector2.y;

    // Calculate the (two-dimensional) cross product of two Vectors.
    // Overload the "%" operator for this purpose.
    double operator%(const Vector &vector1, const Vector &vector2) {
        return vector1.x*vector2.y - vector1.y*vector2.x;

    // Calculate a Vector's magnitude or length.
    double abs(const Vector &vector) {
        return std::sqrt(vector.x*vector.x + vector.y*vector.y);

    // Normalize a vector to unit length.
    Vector unit(const Vector &vector) {
        const double abs1 = abs(vector);
        return Vector(vector.x/abs1, vector.y/abs1);

    // Imagine standing in the plane at the point of
    // interest, facing toward a vertex.  Then imagine
    // turning to face the next vertex without leaving
    // the point.  Answer this question: through what
    // angle did you just turn, measured in radians?
    double angle_swept(
        const Point &point, const Point &vertex1, const Point &vertex2
    ) {
        const Vector unit1 = unit(vertex1 - point);
        const Vector unit2 = unit(vertex2 - point);
        const double dot_product   = unit1 * unit2;
        const double cross_product = unit1 % unit2;
        // (Here we must be careful.  Either the dot
        // product or the cross product could in theory
        // be used to extract the angle but, in
        // practice, either the one or the other may be
        // numerically problematical.  Use whichever
        // delivers the better accuracy.)
        return (fabs(dot_product) <= fabs(cross_product)) ? (
            (cross_product >= 0.0) ? (
                // The angle lies between 45 and 135 degrees.
            ) : (
                // The angle lies between -45 and -135 degrees.
        ) : (
            (dot_product >= 0.0) ? (
                // The angle lies between -45 and 45 degrees.
            ) : (
                // The angle lies between 135 and 180 degrees
                // or between -135 and -180 degrees.
                ((cross_product >= 0.0) ? TWOPI/2.0 : -TWOPI/2.0)
                  - asin(cross_product)


int main(const int, char **const argv) {

    // Read the x and y coordinates of the point of
    // interest, followed by the x and y coordinates of
    // each vertex in sequence, from std. input.
    // Observe that whether the sequence of vertices
    // runs clockwise or counterclockwise does
    // not matter.
    Point point;
    std::vector<Point> vertex;
    std::cin >> point;
        Point point1;
        while (std::cin >> point1) vertex.push_back(point1);
    if (vertex.size() < 3) {
        std::cerr << argv[0]
          << ": a polygon wants at least three vertices\n";

    // Standing as it were at the point of interest,
    // turn to face each vertex in sequence.  Keep
    // track of the total angle through which you
    // have turned.
    double cumulative_angle_swept = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vertex.size(); ++i) {
        // In an N-sided polygon, vertex N is again
        // vertex 0.  Since j==N is out of range,
        // if i==N-1, then let j=0.  Otherwise,
        // let j=i+1.
        const size_t j = (i+1) % vertex.size();
        cumulative_angle_swept +=
          angle_swept(point, vertex[i], vertex[j]);

    // Judge the point of interest to lie within the
    // polygon if you have turned a complete circuit.
    const bool does_the_point_lie_within_the_polygon =
      fabs(cumulative_angle_swept) >= TWOPI/2.0;

    // Output.
      << "The angle swept by the polygon's vertices about the point\n"
      << "of interest is " << cumulative_angle_swept << " radians ("
      << ((360.0/TWOPI)*cumulative_angle_swept) << " degrees).\n"
      << "Therefore, the point lies "
      << (
          ? "within" : "outside of"
      << " the polygon.\n";

    return !does_the_point_lie_within_the_polygon;




于 2012-06-06T14:22:32.047 回答