我在 C# 中有 2 个文本文件说:File - A& File - B。我想比较两个文件的内容,如果发现File - A其中不存在的任何内容,File - B那么我想将该内容放在 File-B 中的相同位置File - A

   File - A                                        File - B

This is the example text.                         This is text.

现在,如果我们比较以上 2 个文件内容,那么输出应该是:

                           File - B

                       This is the example text.

因此,如果 c# 中有任何方法可以为我做到这一点,那么请告诉我?


4 回答 4

var f1 = File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\temp\l1.txt");
var f2 = File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\temp\l3.txt");

var result = f1.Select((l, index) => new {Number= index, Text = l})
  .Join(f2.Select((l, index) => new {Number= index, Text = l}), 
        inner => inner.Number, 
        outer => outer.Number, 
        (inner, outer) =>  {
        if(inner.Text == "")
            return outer.Text;
        return inner.Text;
  .Concat(f1.Where((l, index) => index >= f2.Count()))
  .Concat(f2.Where((l, index) => index >= f1.Count()));

File.WriteAllLines(@"c:\temp\l3.txt", result);



于 2012-06-06T13:55:16.127 回答

一个简单的 LINQ 方法:

var file1 = File.ReadLines(path1);
var file2 = File.ReadAllLines(path2);
var onlyInFileA = file1.Except(file2);
File.WriteAllLines(path2, file2.Concat(onlyInFileA));
于 2012-06-06T15:21:38.963 回答


string[] fileAWords = File.ReadAllText("C:\\File - A.txt").Split(' ');
string[] fileBWords = File.ReadAllText("C:\\File - B.txt").Split(' ');

// The comparer makes it so the union is case insensitive
// For example: Welcome in File - A and welcome (lower-case) in File - B in a Union would both be in the result
// With the comparer, it will only appear once.
IEnumerable<string> allWords = fileAWords.Union(fileBWords, new StringEqualityComparer());

// We did the split on a space, so we want to put the space back in when we join.
File.WriteAllText("C:\\File - C.txt", string.Join(" ", allWords));

StringEqualityComparer 类代码为:

class StringEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<string>
    // Lower-case your strings for a case insensitive compare.
    public bool Equals(string s1, string s2)
        if (s1.ToLower().Equals(s2.ToLower()))
            return true;
            return false;

    #region IEqualityComparer<string> Members
    public int GetHashCode(string s)
        return s.GetHashCode();

于 2012-06-06T13:43:20.800 回答


 string fileAContent = File.ReadAllText(fileAPath);
 string fileBContent = File.ReadAllText(fileBPath);

 string[] fileAWords = filesAContent.split(_your delimiters_);
 string[] fileBWords = filesBContent.split(_your delimiters_);

 if (fileAWords.Except(fileBWords).Length > 0)
    // there are words in file B that are not in file A

如果要优化性能,可以将 fileAWords 中的所有单词添加到 HashSet 中,然后遍历所有 fileBWords 并检查哈希集中是否存在不存在的工作

于 2012-06-06T13:51:38.517 回答