我在 jqGrid 中有两个问题

1)假设表中有 91 条记录,rownum 设置为 10,现在当我导航到最后一页并删除记录号 91 时,它不会自动重新加载网格,当我明确使用 ReloadGrid 时,它会重新加载整个数据控制器增加了网络负载。 这是最后一页的截图 现在我正在删除最后一条记录 它不会重定向到第一页

2)在我的网格中有 10 页,当我在文本框中输入大于最大页面的页码时,它会给出空白网格,理想情况下它应该显示一些消息。

在这里,我给出了 page no = 50 尽管 max page = 1



$(document).ready(function () {
            //url from wich data should be requested
            url: '@Url.Action("CarsListing", "Car")?Carid=' + getID(),
            //event for inline edit
            onSelectRow: function (currentSelectedRow) {
                if (currentSelectedRow && currentSelectedRow != $.lastSelectedRow) {
                    //save changes in row 
                    $('#jqgCars').jqGrid('saveRow', $.lastSelectedRow, false);
                    $.lastSelectedRow = currentSelectedRow;
            //type of data
            datatype: 'json',
            //url access method type
            mtype: 'POST',
            //columns names
            colNames: ['ID','Number','Name'],
            //columns model
            colModel: [
                            { name: 'ID', index: 'ID', align: 'left', editable: false },
                            { name: 'Number', index: 'Number', align: 'left', editable: true, formatter: "text", edittype: 'text', editrules: { required: true}, editoptions:{maxlength:"25"}},
                            { name: 'Name', index: 'Name', align: 'left', editable: true, formatter: "text", edittype: 'text', editrules: { required: false} , editoptions:{size:"35",maxlength:"255"}},
            //pager for grid
            pager: $('#jqgpCars'),
            //number of rows per page
            rowNum: 2,
            //initial sorting column
            sortname: 'name',
            //initial sorting direction
            sortorder: 'asc',
            //display total records count
            viewrecords: true,
            //grid height
            height: '100%' 
        $('#jqgCars').jqGrid('navGrid', '#jqgpCars', { add: true, del: true, edit: true, search: false });
        $('#jqgCars').jqGrid('hideCol', "ID");
        $('#jqgCars').setGridWidth(600 , true);
        var dialogPosition = $(this).offset();



$.extend($.jgrid.del, {
            afterComplete: function () {
                var p = $('#jqgCars')[0].p;
                var newPage = p.page; // Gets the current page
                if (p.reccount === 0 && newPage > p.lastpage && newPage > 1) {
                    // if after deleting there are no rows on the current page and lastpage != firstpage than
                    newPage--; // go to the previous page
                // reload grid to make the row from the next page visable.
                $(p.pager + " input.ui-pg-input").val(newPage); //Here setting the new page into textbox before loading in case of longer grid it would look nice
                $('#jqgCars').trigger("reloadGrid", [{page: newPage}]); // reloading grid to previous page

问题#2 的解决方案与Oleg 发布的完全相同

这适用于 jqGrid v4.1.2


3 回答 3



在一个问题中提出两个不同的问题是不好的。这样的问题不适合搜索引擎。遇到问题第 2 部分的问题的用户将不得不阅读不需要的信息。所以请不要在未来这样做。



onPaging: function (pgButton) {
    var p = this.p;
    if (pgButton === "user" && p.page > p.lastpage) {
        alert ("You can't choose the page " + $(p.pager + " input.ui-pg-input").val());
        p.page = p.currentPage; // restore the value of page parameter
        return 'stop';
loadComplete: function () {
    // because on enter in the pager input the value of this.p.page
    // will be changed BEFORE calling of the onPaging the original
    // (current) page number will be overwritten. To save the problem
    // we can save somewhere the copy of the this.p.page. To be able
    // easy to maintain multiple grids on the page we can save the
    // copy as new jqGrid option:
    this.p.currentPage = this.p.page;


afterComplete: function () {
    var p = this.p, newPage = p.page;
    if (p.lastpage > 1) {// on the multipage grid reload the grid
        if (p.reccount === 0 && newPage === p.lastpage) {
            // if after deliting there are no rows on the current page
            // which is the last page of the grid
            newPage--; // go to the previous page
        // reload grid to make the row from the next page visable.
        $(this).trigger("reloadGrid", [{page: newPage}]);


如果要删除本地网格 ( datatype: "local") 中的数据,可以使用以下设置:

$.extend($.jgrid.del, {
    // because I use "local" data I don't want to send the changes to the server
    // so I use "processing:true" setting and delete the row manually in onclickSubmit
    onclickSubmit: function(options, rowid) {
        var gridId = $.jgrid.jqID(this.id),
            p = this.p,
            newPage = p.page,
            $this = $(this);

        options.processing = true;

        // delete the row
        $this.jqGrid("delRowData", rowid);
        $.jgrid.hideModal("#delmod" + gridId,
            { gb: options.gbox, jqm: options.jqModal, onClose: options.onClose});

        if (p.lastpage > 1) {// on the multipage grid reload the grid
            if (p.reccount === 0 && newPage === p.lastpage) {
                // if after deliting there are no rows on the current page
                // which is the last page of the grid
                newPage--; // go to the previous page
            // reload grid to make the row from the next page visable.
            $this.trigger("reloadGrid", [{page: newPage}]);
        return true;
    processing: true


于 2012-06-06T16:29:53.957 回答


明确使用 ReloadGrid 它会从控制器重新加载整个数据,这会增加网络负载。

但我认为这是你必须做的,因为 jqGrid 一次只检索一页数据。如果您不从服务器重新加载,网格将如何重新填充自身?或者也许我错过了什么?

关于 #2,在 AJAX 调用之后,网格使用 XML/JSON 响应中的页码。您可以在grid.base.js 的源代码中看到这一点:

ts.p.page = $.jgrid.getXmlData( xml,xmlRd.page ) || 0;


ts.p.page = $.jgrid.getAccessor(data,dReader.page) || 0;


if (!more) { ts.updatepager(false,true); } // Note: More is true if pageNum > 0


于 2012-06-06T13:48:46.603 回答


   "reloadGrid", [{ current: true }]
于 2017-03-17T21:56:54.237 回答