以下代码在 jgrasp 中编译,但它读出的是You null null. 我不知道如何让我的文本文件读取并存储到他们的数组中?

import java.io.*; 
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class InsultGenerator {

//randomly picks an adjective and a noun from a list of 10 random nouns and adjectives
//it then creates a random insult using one adjective and one noun
public static void main (String [] args)throws IOException
    String[]adjectives = new String [10];
    String[]nouns = new String [10];
    int size = readFileIntoArray (adjectives);
    int size2 = readFileIntoArray2 (nouns);
        String adjective = getAdjective(adjectives, size);
    String noun = getNoun(nouns, size2);
    printResults(adjectives, nouns, adjective, noun );

public static int readFileIntoArray (String[] adjectives)throws IOException
    Scanner fileScan= new Scanner("adjectives.txt");
    int count = 0;  
    while (fileScan.hasNext()) 
    return count;
public static int readFileIntoArray2(String[] nouns)throws IOException
    Scanner fileScan= new Scanner("nouns.txt");
    int count = 0;  

    while (fileScan.hasNextLine()) 
    return count;
public static String getAdjective(String [] adjectives, int size)
    Random random = new Random();
    String adjective = "";
    int count=0;
    while (count < size)
        adjective = adjectives[random.nextInt(count)]; 
        count ++;
    return adjective;
public static String getNoun(String[] nouns, int size2)
    Random random = new Random();
    String noun = "";
    int count=0;
    while (count < size2)
        noun = nouns[random.nextInt(count)]; 
        count ++;
    return noun;
public static void printResults(String[] adjectives, String[] nouns, String adjective, String noun) 
    System.out.println("You " + adjective + " " + noun);

老师希望我们使用 run 参数并将每个文本文件放在那里。所以我的运行参数说adjectives.txtnouns.txt(每个文件都是 10 个名词或形容词的列表)。


2 回答 2


你应该使用new Scanner(new File("adjectives.txt")). 此外,您需要使用命令参数 - 使用它们!写入文件名并返回字符串数组的方法:

public String[] readLines(String filename) throws IOException {
    String[] lines = new String[10];
    Scanner fileScan= new Scanner(new FIle(filename));
    // read lines
    // ...
    return lines;

这样你就不需要有 2 个几乎相同的方法readFileIntoArray(2)

于 2012-06-06T12:46:39.027 回答


另外,检查您的 getNoun() 和 getAdjective() 方法。我不确定它们是否会产生预期的结果,如果确实如此,它们似乎有点复杂。尝试这样的事情:

public static String getString(String[] str) {      
    Random rand = new Random();

    String retVal = str[rand.nextInt(str.length)];

    return retVal;

Java 数组的大小存储在实例变量length中。nextInt(int upperBound)还需要一个上限。

于 2012-06-06T13:03:01.250 回答