我有简单的评论表格。我把 char-counter 。当我创建新评论时一切正常。当我尝试编辑评论时,字符计数器不起作用。我尝试了 Live(),但结果是一样的。编辑页面中的其他 Js 工作正常,只是这个 keyup 功能死了。我试图发出警报以查看 keyup 是否有效,但没有回应。这是我的代码:

  • html

        <?php echo form_tag_for($form, '@comments',array('class' => 'nice'));?>
            <?php echo $form->renderHiddenFields() ?>
            <?php echo $form->renderGlobalErrors() ?>
            <?php echo $form['_csrf_token']; ?>
            <input type="hidden" name="comments[users_id]" id="comments_users_id" value="1" />
            <input type="hidden" name="comments[tests_id]" id="comments_users_id" value="<?php echo $testId?>" />
            <?php echo $form['comment']->renderError() ?>
              <div class="count">remaining symbols : 250</div>
              <div class="barbox"><div class="bar"></div></div>
            <?php echo $form['comment']->render(array('class' => 'comments_comment')) ?>
            <?php  echo $form['captcha']->renderLabel(null,array('class' => 'label-login-down ')) ?>
            <?php echo $form['captcha']->renderError() ?>
            <?php echo $form['captcha']->render(array('class' => 'normal  input-text ' , 'placeholder'=>"Въведете символите")) ?>
            <input type="submit" name="addComment" value="Изпрати" />          
  • jQuery

      var box=$(this).val();
      var main = box.length *100;
      var value= (main / 250);
      var count= 250 - box.length;
      if(box.length <= 250)
        if(box.length <=210)
         $('.count').html('remaining symbols : '+count);            
       $('.count').html('<div class="commentAlertSymbols">remaining symbols :    '+count+'</div>'); 
      "width": value+'%',
      }, 1);
      $('.count').html('<div class="commentRedSymbols">remaining symbols : '+count+'</div>');
    return false;

1 回答 1


很高兴看到实际的表单 HTML 输出而不是所有那些 PHP 帮助函数,但我会试一试:

$('.comments_comment').keyup(function() {
    // Get the number of characters, percent used, and number left
    var $count = $('.count');
    var chars = $(this).val().length;
    var percent = (chars / 250) * 100;
    var left = 250 - chars;

    // Update the counter
    $count.html('Remaining Symbols: ' + left);

    // Add classes based on how many are left
    if (chars > 210 && chars <= 250) {
    } else if (chars > 250) {

    // Animate the bar
        width: chars <= 250 ? percent + '%' : '100%'


您可以在http://jsfiddle.net/KjTrj/看到一个有效的 JSFiddle 。

于 2012-06-06T13:16:18.933 回答