I have used mod_ssl and set the SSLOptions +ExportCertData in the configuration of httpd which forwards the client certificate information to the JBOSS server behind the web server and it working fine. Now I am trying to do the same on IBM - HttpServer and using the mod_ibm_ssl and am not able to find the equivalent of SSLOptions in mod_ibm_ssl .None of the options specified here has anything similar. Have anybody faced similar situation. Target is to send the client certificate information received, to the websphere app server from the httpd.


1 回答 1


如果您使用 IHS 和 WebSphere 插件,您是否可能根本不需要它?这篇文章似乎表明,如果您使用的是 Apache而不是 IHS,您可能只需要该选项。

于 2012-06-06T14:21:15.540 回答