

但是,经过大量搜索和很少的示例后,听起来我想要在我的树视图上自定义 QItemSelectionModel。这个假设正确吗?

如何创建自定义 QItemSelectionModel 将使用扩展选择模式,但如果不在特定列中,则允许我忽略或还原选择。换句话说,单击另一列不应更改选择(不应选择或取消选择)


我正在使用 Python,但会重视任何帮助。


[编辑:] 我发现了这些类似的问题: http: //lists.qt.nokia.com/pipermail/qt-interest/2010-September/027647.html

"子类 QItemSelectionModel 并重新实现这两种选择方法以获得您想要的行为。只需忽略列 > 0 的范围部分......或者可能只是重新实现 flags() 以使项目不可选择。我不知道是否那样会有任何副作用。”

我尝试在我的 QTreeWidgetItem 上重新实现标志,但它从未被调用:

def flags(self, index):
    print index.column()
    return super(DDOutlinerBaseItem, self).flags(index)

2 回答 2



上述解决方案可以使用两个单独的方法和 @pyqtSlot 装饰器来消除重载方法名称的歧义:

@pyqtSlot(QModelIndex, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags)
  def select(self, index, command):
    # ...

@pyqtSlot(QItemSelection, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags)
  def select(self, selection, command):


于 2012-11-30T15:09:40.187 回答

第一个有趣的事情是,由于 Python 不能重载方法,我的 select 方法似乎只是被调用了两次,参数 0 中的每种类型调用一次。这里有一个示例来说明这一点以及基本设置。我的 QTreeWidget 的树称为“树”(self.tree

    # in __init__ of my QTreeWidget:
    sel_model = ColumnSelectionModel(self.tree.model())

class ColumnSelectionModel(QtGui.QItemSelectionModel):
    def select(self, selection, selectionFlags):
    Runs both QItemSelectionModel.select methods::

        1. select(QtCore.QModelIndex, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags)
        2. select(QtGui.QItemSelection, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags)

    The first seems to run on mouse down and mouse up.
    The second seems to run on mouse down, up and drag
    print("select(%s,  %s)" % (type(selection), type(selectionFlags)))

    if isinstance(selection, QtGui.QItemSelection):
        infos = []
        for index in selection.indexes():
            infos.append(("index=%s row=%s column=%s" 
                                    % (index, index.row(), index.column())))

        print ", ".join(infos)
    elif isinstance(selection, QtCore.QModelIndex):
        index = selection
        print("index=%s row=%s column=%s" % (index, index.row(), index.column()))
        raise Exception("Unexpected type for arg 0: '%s'" % type(selection))

    super(ColumnSelectionModel, self).select(selection, selectionFlags)


class ColumnSelectionModel(QtGui.QItemSelectionModel):
    def __init__(self, model):
        super(ColumnSelectionModel, self).__init__(model)

        self.selectable_columns = [0]
        """ Set the columns that are allowed to be selected """

    def select(self, selection, selectionFlags):
        Ignores any selection changes if an item is not in one of the columns
        in the self.selectable_columns list.

        Is run by both QItemSelectionModel.select methods::

            1. select(QtCore.QModelIndex, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags)
            2. select(QtGui.QItemSelection, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags)

        The first seems to run on mouse down and mouse up.
        The second seems to run on mouse down, up and drag
        if isinstance(selection, QtGui.QItemSelection):
            # This is the overload with the QItemSelection passed to arg 0
            # Loop over all the items and if any are not in selectable_columns
            #   ignore this event. This works because it is run for every change
            #   so the offending selection index will always be the newest
            indexes = selection.indexes()
            for i in xrange(len(indexes)):
                index = indexes[i]
                if not index.column() in self.selectable_columns:
        elif isinstance(selection, QtCore.QModelIndex):
            # This is the overload with the QModelIndex passed to arg 0
            # If this index isn't in selectable_columns, just ignore this event
            index = selection
            if not index.column() in self.selectable_columns:
        else:  # Just in case
            raise Exception("Unexpected type for arg 0: '%s'" % type(selection))

        # Fall through. Select as normal
        super(ColumnSelectionModel, self).select(selection, selectionFlags)


于 2012-06-06T18:50:20.883 回答