What languages do your testers use for writing complex testing scripts/simulators?


6 回答 6


At the last place I worked at the testers were using TestComplete from AutomatedQA. If I remember correctly, the application lets you use clones of different languages. To quote the feature list (VBScript, JScript, DelphiScript, C++Script or C#Script.) (Note: it says C++Script, NOT C++). It was encouraged that the testers used C++Script because the language that was predominantly used in the development of the software was C++.

于 2009-07-07T05:04:01.770 回答

我们使用使用关键字驱动测试的机器人框架。关键字本身可以用 python、java 或几乎任何其他语言编写。1


*** Settings ***
| Library        | Selenium2Library
| Suite Setup    | Open browser | ${HOST} | browser=${BROWSER}
| Suite Teardown | Close all browsers

*** Test Cases ***
| Validate that we can log in
| | Go to the login page
| | Input username "demo"
| | Input password "mode"
| | Click on "submit"
| | The home page should be visible

注意:以上不是一个完整的工作测试套件。它不包括单个关键字的定义,但它们使用相同的语法构建,并且仅基于机器人和 selenium 库提供的原始关键字构建。

1关键字可以由其他关键字组成,也可以直接用python编写。通过利用机器人远程库界面,可以使用其他语言,从而可以使用几乎任何语言编写关键字。您还可以选择通过 jython 或 Iron python 运行机器人,这使您可以直接加载分别实现为 java 或 .net 对象的关键字。

于 2009-09-16T11:42:16.050 回答

In one shop I was in we used C# simply because it was supported by the VS IDE and it was what we knew. Never ran into a case where it didn't do what we needed. In one case we wrote a function that used a simple Writeline statements to generate C# code for new test cases.

于 2009-07-07T05:00:31.733 回答

The place that I work at uses VBA because the test platform is TestPartner. It does not mesh so well since the code is written in C# and JAVA. But then again the developers and testers do not touch the same code.

于 2009-07-07T05:07:51.733 回答

我和Fitnesse一起玩过并取得了一些成功。它允许您的测试人员通过标记输入和期望来定义 wiki 中的测试,然后声明一个夹具来针对输入运行。一个问题:您可能会发现编写夹具和培训测试人员的最初努力使您的头发比您想要的要少

于 2009-07-07T08:13:25.930 回答

语言取决于工具。例如,在我这里 QuickTestPro 是主要工具,所以 VBScritp 就是其中之一。
另一方面,我碰巧使用了 powershell 或仅使用 C#,这很好。

于 2009-11-03T22:02:56.527 回答