例如,在我的管理区域,我有标签 [添加/删除相册][添加照片][删除照片]。我在技术上通过选项卡划分管理区域。
我正在使用 ajax 将内容加载到这些选项卡中。选项卡内容区域是一个 div。
选项卡内容区域内的视图也使用 ajax 来加载内容。这些是在选项卡内容区域内运行的 ajax 调用。
只要选项卡内容区域内的视图保持不变或仅部分更改,一切正常。But when certain interactions inside tab content area return a whole new view, tab content area would not show them.
我知道会发生什么,返回的这个新视图没有传递到选项卡内容区域 div 中。
在 firebug 中,我可以看到 ajax 成功函数响应显示了返回的新视图。但我不知道如何将该新视图传递给选项卡内容区域。
如果有人能帮助我解释如何解决这个问题或如何在 CI 中管理选项卡内的内容,我将不胜感激。
<ul id="adminTabs">
<li ><?php echo anchor('#album_addDelete', 'Album Add/Delete'); ?></li>
<div id="adminTabsContent"></div>
$('#adminTabs a').on({
click: function (evt){
var page = this.hash.substr(1);
function adminTabsAjaxCall ($data){
type: "POST",
url: "index.php/adminsite_controller/"+ $data + "/",
dataType: "html",
data: $data,
statusCode: {removed}
success: adminTabContent
function adminTabContent (data){
(this is a view that gets loaded into the tab contentarea div)
<div id="adminTabsContent">
<div id="albumList">
<a href="#">Asdf</a>
<a class="add" href="http://localhost/myPHP/photoalbums/index.php/Albums_Controller/add_album/301/Asdf/1/28/0">[ add ]</a>
<a class="delete" href="http://localhost/myPHP/photoalbums/index.php/Albums_Controller/delete_album/301/Asdf/1/28/0">[ delete ]</a>
click: function (evt){
var $clickedElement = evt.target.tagName;
if ($clickedElement == 'A' ){
var urlarray = url.split('/');
$chosen.albumid = urlarray[8];
$chosen.albumname = urlarray[9];
$chosen.lft = urlarray[10];
$chosen.rgt = urlarray[11];
$chosen.nodeDepth = urlarray[12];
if ($class == 'add'){
if ($class == 'delete'){
function albumajaxcall($data){
type: "POST",
url: "index.php/Adminsite_Controller/add_album/",
dataType: "json",
data: $data,
statusCode: {removed}
success: adminTabContent
function adminTabContent(data){
//heres the view file that has to replace the original view inside
//tabcontent area
<?php echo form_open('Albums_Controller/update_albumSet');?>
<input type="text" name="newAlbum" id="newAlbum" value=""/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
<?php echo form_close();?>
//heres the controller function
function add_album(){
$levelData ['albumid'] = $this->input->post('albumid');
<!-- removed-->
$levelData ['main_content'] = 'addnode_view';
$this->load->view('includes/template', $levelData);
//And heres the controller method that loads
//the original page (albumsEditDeleteView.php) - this is the original view
//that gets loaded into the tab- I get stuck when this view
//has to be **totally** replaced through links in the view)
function album_addDelete(){
$allNodes ['myAlbumList'] = $this->Albums_Model->get_albumList();
echo $this->load->view('albumsEditDelete_view', $allNodes);