I have got this error report from one user of my Android app:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: [generic]
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
That's the whole stack trace. O_o
Not very informative...
The only external jar I use is GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-6.0.1.jar for AdMob, and it is on the libs directory and added to the project through Eclipse's Android Interface (you know: Properties / Java Build Path / Libraries / Add External JARs)
So I have not a clue about what's wrong.
Any hints?
I compile using Eclipse v3.7.0 Build id I20110613-1736 on Ubuntu 11.04 with ADT 18.0.0.v20120330
I forgot to mention that my app has been installed by thousands of users and I only get one report on this issue til today.