我对 node.js 很陌生,可能也是 javascript,所以请随时指出任何看起来很尴尬的地方。我是来学习的。
- “John”对象应该继承“Client”对象的所有内容,包括函数
- 在实例化新对象和继承时使用 Object.create() 而不是“new”关键字
var sys=require('sys');
var Client = {
ip: null,
stream : null,
state: "Connecting",
eyes: 2,
legs: 4,
name: null,
toString: function () {
return this.name + " with " +
this.eyes + " eyes and " +
this.legs + " legs, " + this.state + ".";
var john = Object.create(Client, {
name: {value: "John", writable: true},
state : {value: "Sleeping", writable: true}
sys.puts(john); // John with 2 eyes and 4 legs, Sleeping
---- 客户端.js ----
module.exports = function (instream, inip){
return {
ip: inip,
stream : instream,
state: "Connecting",
eyes: 2,
legs: 4,
name: null,
toString: function () {
return this.name + " with " +
this.eyes + " eyes and " +
this.legs + " legs, " + this.state + ".";
---- 约翰.js ----
var Client = require("./client");
module.exports = function (inname, instate){
return Object.create(Client, {
state : {value: inname, enumerable: false, writable: true},
name: {value: instate, enumerable: true, writable: true},
---- main.js ----
var sys = require("util");
var Client = require("./client")("stream","");
sys.puts(Client); // null with 2 eyes and 4 legs, Connecting
var john = require("./john")("John","Sleeping");
sys.puts(john); //Function.prototype.toString no generic
sys.puts(sys.inspect(john)); // { name: 'Sleeping' }
sys.puts(sys.inspect(john, true)); // {name: 'Sleeping', [state]: 'John'}
- 我在拆分文件和使用导致问题的 require() 时做错了什么?
- 为什么 john 对象的名称为“Sleeping”,状态为“John”?我知道这是我放置线条的顺序,但它不应该遵循我在构造函数中放置的参数吗?
- 有没有更好的方法来做到这一点?我倾向于学习 Object.create() 而不是依赖“new”关键字。