I'm trying to register the DialogBoxShowing event of the UIControlledApplication. But I cannot use the OnStartup / OnShutdown implementation of the IExternalApplication interface. The best I could come up with is...

    public delegate void Handeler(object sender, DialogBoxShowingEventArgs e);

    public void RegesterDialogEvent(UIControlledApplication uicApp)
        UIAppEventHandlers1 uaeh1 = new UIAppEventHandlers1();
        Handeler hdlr = new Handeler(UIAppEventHandlers1.UIAppEvent_DialogBoxShowing_Handler);

        uicApp.DialogBoxShowing += hdlr;


But i'm getting the "Cannot implicitly convert type 'TaskDialogEvent_01.Form1.Handeler' to 'System.EventHandler Autodesk.Revit.UI.Events.DialogBoxShowingEventArgs> " error. My 'UIAppEventHandlers1' method has the same signature as the Handler. What am I doing wrong and can anyone provide an example? Thank you.


1 回答 1


您可能想要使用您创建的 uaeh1 实例:

UIAppEventHandlers1 uaeh1 = new UIAppEventHandlers1();
uicApp.DialogBoxShowing += uaeh1.UIAppEvent_DialogBoxShowing_Handler;



public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication app)
    app.DialogBoxShowing += OnDialogBoxShowing;
    return Result.Succeeded;

public Result OnShutdown(UIControlledApplication app)
    app.DialogBoxShowing -= OnDialogBoxShowing;
    return Result.Succeeded;

void OnDialogBoxShowing(object sender, DialogBoxShowingEventArgs args)

根据我的经验,使用 DialogBoxShowing 事件处理对话框并不是最好的方法。我建议研究更新的故障处理 API。

于 2012-06-05T16:36:00.370 回答