我在我的 Django 应用程序中收到了这个错误,但是,它每天只发生一次或更少,并且证明非常难以调试。


Request Method: POST

Django Version: 1.3.1
Python Version: 2.6.6
Installed Applications:
Installed Middleware:

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py" in get_response
  178.                 response = middleware_method(request, response)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/contrib/sessions/middleware.py" in process_response
  36.                 request.session.save()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/contrib/sessions/backends/db.py" in save
  57.             session_data = self.encode(self._get_session(no_load=must_create)),
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py" in encode
  93.         pickled = pickle.dumps(session_dict, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

Exception Type: PicklingError at /
Exception Value: Can't pickle <type 'function'>: attribute lookup __builtin__.function failed



通过将 self 添加到实际错误中,以查看是否会在 Django 错误中打印任何内容,但无济于事。

我在哪里可以打印出导致此错误问题的对象,以便它出现在 Django 错误页面中?



class user(object):
username = str()
userid = uuid.UUID(int=0)

client = models.Client()
clientid = uuid.UUID(int=0)
clientname = ''

data = models.User()
accesslevel = models.AccessLevel()

active = False
client_active = False
isFimed = False
isFimedAdmin = False
isClientAdmin = False
isFimedManager = False
mysettingsform = None
viewingas = False

menu = []

_exists = False
_authenticated = False

def __str__(self):
    return str(self.__dict__.copy())

def __getstate__(self):
    return self.__dict__.copy()

def __setstate__(self, dict):
    self.__dict__ = dict

def __init__(self, username=None):
    if username:

def initialize(self, username):
    self.username = username
    model = models.User.objects.filter(username=username).all()
    if len(model) == 1:
        model = model[0]
        self.data = model
        self._exists = True
        self.userid = self.data.id
        self.active = self.data.active
        self.isFimed = self.data.isFimed()
        self.isFimedAdmin = self.data.isFimedAdmin()
        self.isClientAdmin = self.data.isClientAdmin()
        self.isFimedManager = self.data.isFimedManager()
        self.mysettingsform = UserFormSelf(initial={"id":model.id, "username":model.username, "name":model.name, "email":model.email, "phone":model.phone})

        self.accesslevel = models.AccessLevel.objects.filter(id=self.data.accesslevel_id)[:1][0].level
        cli = self.data.client
        self.client = cli
        self.clientid = cli.id
        self.clientname = cli.name
        if cli.active:
            self.client_active = True

        model.lastlogin = datetime.datetime.now()

        self.menu = getMenu(self.data)
        self._exists = False

def authenticate(self, password):
    self._authenticated = False
    if (self.active == False or self.client_active == False):
        return False
    if self._exists:
        import hashlib
        hash = hashlib.md5('%s%s' % (str(password), self.data.pwsalt)).hexdigest()
        if hash == self.data.pwhash:
            self._authenticated = True
            return True
    return False

def updateUser(self):

def mkContext(self):
    c = Context()
    c['menu'] = self.menu
    c['user'] = self
    c['language'] = language
    c['colors'] = colors
    c["isFimed"] = self.isFimed
    c["isFimedAdmin"] = self.isFimedAdmin
    c["isClientAdmin"] = self.isClientAdmin
    c["isFimedManager"] = self.isFimedManager
    c["mysettingsform"] = self.mysettingsform
    return c

编辑: Werkzeug 之后的 WSGI 文件:

import django.core.handlers.wsgi
djangoapplication = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
def application(environ, start_response):
    if 'SCRIPT_NAME' in environ:
        del environ['SCRIPT_NAME']
    return djangoapplication(environ, start_response)
# The following lines enable the werkzeug debugger
import django.views.debug
def null_technical_500_response(request, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
    raise exc_type, exc_value, tb
django.views.debug.technical_500_response = null_technical_500_response
from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication
application = DebuggedApplication(application, evalex=True)

4 回答 4


In my case (not Django related) this exception was thrown by multiprocessing.Pool.map when a lambda was passed as the target function. Creating a named function and passing the needed context data structures via the initargs parameter (rather than via the closure) solved the issue.

To summarize, the bad use-case that triggered the exception was:

import multiprocessing as mp
context = some_object
pool = mp.Pool()
worker_func = lambda x: work(x, context)
results = pool.map(worker_func, data_list)
于 2013-11-21T19:43:49.687 回答

我在哪里可以打印出导致此错误问题的对象,以便它出现在 Django 错误页面中?

简短的回答 - 没有重新编译cPickle,你不能。


root $ grep -Hra "attribute lookup" /usr/lib64/ 2>/dev/null | grep -a failed
/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-dynload/cPickle.so:H�H���P0H�5zM H�=1��M��H��H�ZM �����H�=�1�H���M��H��H��M �����H�4M H�5~H���H���������H�M H�5tH���H���������H��L H�5�H���qH�����d���H�M H�5NH���SH�����F���H�dM H�5bH���5H�����(���H�=X1��O��H�HC H�5I H�=U1�A��H��L �vH��H��I�������H���RK��H�=.H����J��H�5$H��H��H�D$�G��H�D$H��tH�H��H��H��gH�DL�ttH�qH�5nH�=kH��1��XK��H�5bH��H��I����F��H�5\L��H���F��H��tH�EH��H��H�E��M�������I�$H��H��I�$�t���I�DL���P0�d���f�H�EH��H��H�E�F���H�H���P0�7���@H�|$H��P0�����H�H���P0�����H�H���P0�k�����UH��SH�H�H: H���tH�;: H���H�H���u�H�[��H��M��H��attribute deletion is not supportedunsupported pickle protocol: %dargument must have 'read' and 'readline' attributespickle protocol %d asked for; the highest available protocol is %dargument must have 'write' attributeGlobal and instance pickles are not supported.Attempt to getvalue() a non-list-based picklerUnexpected data in internal listBINSTRING pickle has negative byte countno int where int expected in memoCan't pickle %s: import of module %s failedCan't pickle %s: attribute lookup %s.%s failedCan't pickle %s: it's not the same object as %s.%sCan't pickle %s: extension code %s isn't an integerCan't pickle %s: extension code %ld is out of rangecould not convert string to intLONG pickle has negative byte countcould not convert string to floatBINUNICODE pickle has negative byte countunregistered extension code %ld_inverted_registry[%ld] isn't a 2-tuple of stringsA load persistent id instruction was encountered,


Can't pickle %s: attribute lookup %s.%s failed

static int save_global(Picklerobject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *name)现在,如果你下载 Python 源代码,你可以很容易地在以下函数中找到负责引发异常的代码./Modules/cPickle.c

klass = PyObject_GetAttrString(mod, name_str);
if (klass == NULL) {
                      "Can't pickle %s: attribute lookup %s.%s "
                      "OSS", args, module, global_name);
    goto finally;

因此,调试此错误的最佳方法是对字符串进行不同的格式化(可能提供PyString_AS_STRING((PyStringObject *)name)、重新编译和安装修改后的 Python.


于 2012-08-09T12:54:41.937 回答

如果您正在存储用户对象,您可能会受到此错误的影响: https ://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/16563

也就是说,您最好的选择是在 /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py 的第 93 行修改 Django 源代码,其中您的异常发生。

只需记录 session_dict。在大多数情况下,很明显哪里出了问题。(确实,如果您的回溯显示 Local Vars,那么您已经有了这个)

于 2012-11-09T07:59:22.480 回答

使用类似django-extensions安装 werkzeug 调试器的东西。您将能够与每个堆栈帧进行交互。此时,您可以尝试腌制会话字典中的所有键和值。

于 2012-06-06T17:57:04.700 回答