在 Excel Ctrl+ [or]中有时会直接切换到另一个工作表以显示该工作表中的先例或依赖项。
我个人需要所有这些功能来替换“Ctrl + [”和“Ctrl + ]”快速快捷功能,以便跳转到先例和依赖项。不幸的是,这些快捷键在国际键盘上完全无法使用,其中这些方括号隐藏在 AltGr(右 Alt)组合下,Excel 不允许 Ctrl+AltGr+8 和 Ctrl+AltGr+8 给出相同的结果,而且还有无法重新映射默认快捷方式。
所以我稍微改进了 Mark 的代码来解决这些问题,并从代码中删除了弹出消息,因为如果我不能选择所有的凹痕,我应该知道自己,但我希望该功能能够顺利运行,而无需单击全部确定时间。所以该函数只是跳转到工作表,该工作表在公式中首先链接。
唯一仍然困扰我的是,虽然 Application.ScreenUpdating = False 避免在工作表和工作簿周围跳转,但箭头仍然不断闪烁。有什么办法可以避免这种情况?
Option Explicit
Private Sub GetOffSheetDents(ByVal doPrecedents As Boolean)
'Main function, calling for separate function to find links to all cells to one of the input cells. Works for finding precedents for a whole selection (group of cells)
'doPrecedents is TRUE, if we are searching for precedents and FALSE, if looking for dependents
Dim InputCell As Range
Dim results As Range
Dim r As Range
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each InputCell In Application.Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Selection)
'Cycle to go over all initially selected cells. If only one cell selected, then happens only once.
Set r = oneCellDependents(InputCell, doPrecedents)
' r is resulting cells from each iteration of input cell to the function.
If Not r Is Nothing Then 'if there were precedents/dependents
If sheet Is Nothing Then 'if this is the first time.
Set sheet = r.Worksheet
Include results, r
ElseIf Not sheet Is r.Worksheet Then 'if new precedent/dependent is on another worksheet, don't add to selection (gets lost)
Include results, r
End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
If results Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Sub GetOffSheetDependents()
'Function defines, if we are looking for Dependents (False) or Precedents (True)
GetOffSheetDents False
End Sub
Sub GetOffSheetPrecedents()
'Function defines, if we are looking for Dependents (False) or Precedents (True)
GetOffSheetDents True
End Sub
Private Function Include(ByRef ToUnion As Range, ByVal Value As Range) As Range
If ToUnion Is Nothing Then
Set ToUnion = Value
ElseIf Value.Worksheet Is ToUnion.Worksheet Then 'if new precedent/dependent is on the same worksheet, then add to selection
'if new precedent/dependent is on another worksheet, don't add to selection (gets lost)
Set ToUnion = Application.Union(ToUnion, Value)
End If
Set Include = ToUnion
End Function
Private Function oneCellDependents(ByVal inRange As Range, Optional doPrecedents As Boolean) As Range
'Function finds dependents for one of the selected cells. Happens only once, if initially only one cell selected.
Dim inAddress As String, returnSelection As Range
Dim i As Long, pCount As Long, qCount As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If inRange.Cells.Count <> 1 Then Error.Raise 13 'seems to check, that only one cell is handled, but does not seem to be necessary step.
'remember selection
Set returnSelection = Selection ' to keep initial selection for GetOffSheetDents function.
inAddress = fullAddress(inRange) ' takes address of starting cell what is analyzed.
pCount = 1
With inRange 'all functions apply to this initial cell.
.NavigateArrow doPrecedents, 1 ' go to first precedent (if first argument is true)/dependent. But why required?
Do Until fullAddress(ActiveCell) = inAddress
.NavigateArrow doPrecedents, pCount 'go to first precedent, then second etc.
If ActiveSheet.Name <> returnSelection.Parent.Name Then ' checks, if the precedent is NOT on the same sheet
qCount = qCount + 1 'qCount follows external references, if arrow is external reference arrow.
.NavigateArrow doPrecedents, pCount, qCount 'go to first exteranl precedent, then second etc.
Include oneCellDependents, Selection
On Error Resume Next
.NavigateArrow doPrecedents, pCount, qCount + 1 'could remove this step and check for error before Include?
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Do
On Error GoTo 0 ' not sure if this is used, since if there is error, then already Exit Do in previous step.
On Error GoTo 0 'not sure, if necessary, since just asked in loop.
Else ' if precedent IS ON the same sheet.
Include oneCellDependents, Selection
End If
pCount = pCount + 1
.NavigateArrow doPrecedents, pCount
End With
'return selection to where it was
With returnSelection
End With
End Function
Private Function fullAddress(inRange As Range) As String
'Function takes a full address with sheet name
With inRange
fullAddress = .Parent.Name & "!" & .Address
End With
End Function
Option Explicit
Private Sub GetOffSheetDents(ByVal doPrecedents As Boolean)
Dim c As Range
Dim results As Range
Dim r As Range
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Dim extra As Boolean
For Each c In Application.Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Selection)
Set r = oneCellDependents(c, doPrecedents)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
If r.Worksheet Is ActiveSheet Then
' skip it
ElseIf sheet Is Nothing Then
Set sheet = r.Worksheet
Include results, r
ElseIf Not sheet Is r.Worksheet Then
If Not extra Then
extra = True
MsgBox "More than one external sheet in " & IIf(doPrecedents, "Precedents", "Dependents") & ". Only displaying first sheet."
End If
Include results, r
End If
End If
If results Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Sub GetOffSheetDependents()
GetOffSheetDents False
End Sub
Sub GetOffSheetPrecedents()
GetOffSheetDents True
End Sub
Private Function Include(ByRef ToUnion As Range, ByVal Value As Range) As Range
If ToUnion Is Nothing Then
Set ToUnion = Value
Set ToUnion = Application.Union(ToUnion, Value)
End If
Set Include = ToUnion
End Function
Private Function oneCellDependents(ByVal inRange As Range, Optional doPrecedents As Boolean) As Range
Dim inAddress As String, returnSelection As Range
Dim i As Long, pCount As Long, qCount As Long
If inRange.Cells.Count <> 1 Then Error.Raise 13
Rem remember selection
Set returnSelection = Selection
inAddress = fullAddress(inRange)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With inRange
.NavigateArrow doPrecedents, 1
Do Until fullAddress(ActiveCell) = inAddress
pCount = pCount + 1
.NavigateArrow doPrecedents, pCount
If ActiveSheet.Name <> returnSelection.Parent.Name Then
qCount = qCount + 1
.NavigateArrow doPrecedents, pCount, qCount
Include oneCellDependents, Selection
On Error Resume Next
.NavigateArrow doPrecedents, pCount, qCount + 1
If Err.Number <> 0 Then _
Exit Do
On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo 0
.NavigateArrow doPrecedents, pCount + 1
Include oneCellDependents, Selection
.NavigateArrow doPrecedents, pCount + 1
End If
End With
Rem return selection to where it was
With returnSelection
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function
Private Function fullAddress(inRange As Range) As String
With inRange
fullAddress = .Parent.Name & "!" & .Address
End With
End Function
我发现 kaidobor 的 Mark Hurd 代码版本正是我所需要的。我编写了一个包装器来记录所选单元格中的所有依赖项并将它们插入到新工作表中。我的代码只是调用了kaidobor的代码并记录了结果。
Sub FindDependentsForThisSheet()
' Find all cells in the selection that have dependents on some other sheet
' Calls code by kaidobor
' January 9, 2017
Dim rCurrent As String, strNoDependents As String, strDependents As String, strCurrrentParent As String
Dim aDependents(1000, 4) As String ' Starting sheet, starting cell, referenced sheet, referenced cell
Dim intArrayRows As Long
strNoDependents = "No Dependents" & vbCrLf
strDependents = "Dependents" & vbCrLf
intArrayRows = 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Step through each cell in the current sheet (for each…)
For Each cell In Selection.Cells
' improvement: step through just the cells that are selected in case I know some are not worth bothering with
rCurrent = ActiveCell.Address
strCurrrentParent = ActiveCell.Parent.Name
'Run GetOffSheetDependents() for each cell
'When GetOffSheetDependents() is done, if the ActiveCell.Address is not changed,
'If (rCurrent = ActiveCell.Address And strCurrrentParent = ActiveCell.Parent.Name) Then ' We do care about links on the current sheet
If (strCurrrentParent = ActiveCell.Parent.Name) Then ' Do not care about links on the current sheet
'then nothing
strNoDependents = strNoDependents & ActiveCell.Parent.Name + " - " + ActiveCell.Address & vbCrLf
' Stuff the array
aDependents(intArrayRows, 0) = strCurrrentParent
aDependents(intArrayRows, 1) = rCurrent
aDependents(intArrayRows, 2) = ActiveCell.Parent.Name
aDependents(intArrayRows, 3) = ActiveCell.Address
intArrayRows = intArrayRows + 1
strDependents = strDependents + strCurrrentParent + "!" + rCurrent + " referenced in " + ActiveCell.Parent.Name + "!" + ActiveCell.Address & vbCrLf
'1 record ActiveCell.Address + parent.
'2 return to home sheet and
'3 record the address of the active cell
End If
If intArrayRows > 999 Then
MsgBox "Too many cells, aborting"
Exit Sub
End If
'Debug.Print strDependents
'Debug.Print strNoDependents
' Store results in a new sheet
If intArrayRows > 0 Then
varReturn = NewSheetandPaste(aDependents)
MsgBox ("Finished looking for dependencies. Created sheet with results. Found this many: " & intArrayRows)
MsgBox ("Finished looking for dependencies, found none.")
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
' ************************************************************************************************
Function NewSheetandPaste(aPasteThis As Variant) '(strSheetName As String)
' Create new sheet and past strDependents
Dim strName As String, strStartSheetName As String, n As Long
'strName = strSheetName + "Dependents"
strStartSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
strName = strStartSheetName + "Dependents"
Sheets.Add After:=ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = strName
'Sheets("Sheet4").Name = "Sheet1Dependents"
Range("A1").Value = "Dependents from " + strStartSheetName
'ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Dependents from Sheet1"
'Range("A2").Value = strPasteThis
Range("A2").Value = "Starting Sheet"
Range("B2").Value = "Starting Sheet Cell"
Range("C2").Value = "Dependent Sheet"
Range("D2").Value = "Dependent Sheet Cell"
intLengthArray = UBound(aPasteThis) - LBound(aPasteThis) + 1
n = 0
'For n = 0 To intLengthArray
While aPasteThis(n, 0) <> ""
ActiveCell.Value = aPasteThis(n, 0)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = aPasteThis(n, 1)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = aPasteThis(n, 2)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = aPasteThis(n, 3)
ActiveCell.Offset(1, -3).Select
n = n + 1
NewSheetandPaste = True
End Function