I have an animated gif.

It's a progress bar and the animation is a light which is moving from left to right and then back from right to left in a loop.

The progessbar has a width of 250px.

Every e.g. 100ms I'm adding 1px to the width of the progessbar. So after a short time it has grown to the full size.

Then it is shown for a specific time in full size.

I've made the animation in photoshop and it has 58 frames that are displayed with 0.05 seconds delay, that the animation is smoothly.

But the animation is not smoothly (it's too slow) in internet explorer. In Firefox and Chrome it's working well.

What is the best do to?


1 回答 1


当 IE 比 0.1 快时,似乎 IE 将 GIF 动画减慢到 0.1。请参阅此错误描述


根据这个MSDN 博客IE 10将支持高达 0.02 的帧速率:

IE10 Consumer Preview 增加了支持的帧率;帧可能会以低至 20 毫秒的延迟显示。如果服务器指定较低的延迟,则动画将延迟到 100 毫秒以实现旧版兼容性。

于 2012-06-05T13:01:18.197 回答