我目前正忙于在装配 (AT&T) 中做一个小测验(到目前为止有固定的问题)。
我设计了一个小菜单,要求输入 1 2 或 3
问题是我的 cmpl 没有完成它的工作,我不知道为什么。它只是退出,不管输入是什么。
menu: .asciz "Please select an option: 1 - Start the quiz! 2 - Highscores 3 - Quit\n"
input: .asciz "%i"
.global main
call menushow
push $menu
call printf
addl $4,(%esp)
leal -4(%ebp), %eax
pushl %eax
pushl $input
call scanf
popl %eax
popl %eax # the number that has been entered is now in eax
cmpl $1,%eax #1 entered?
je qone #show question 1
cmpl $2,%eax #2 entered??
je showHighScores #show current highscores
call quit #something else? (3, 99 w/e) then we quit