是否有人在执行运行时升级时遇到可移植性问题(例如从 2.0 -> 3 -> 3.5 -> 4 -> 4.5 切换)?
是否有人在执行运行时升级时遇到可移植性问题(例如从 2.0 -> 3 -> 3.5 -> 4 -> 4.5 切换)?
请参阅以下链接:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee941656.aspx
There are always a few changes that could change the behavior of existing code, but these are in most cases rare edge cases and are kept to a minimum. You can find a list of breaking changes for recent releases of Visual Studio:
Visual C# 2012 RC Breaking Changes
Visual C# 2010 Breaking Changes
Visual C# 2008 Breaking Changes