我有一个 Delphi 6 应用程序,它生成电子邮件,我发送到我的 Evernote 电子邮件地址,这是一个用于通过电子邮件发送文档的特殊电子邮件地址,以便它们自动存储到我的 Evernote 帐户中。
我已经使用 Indy 9.x TIdSMTP组件成功创建了 HTML 文档并将它们发送到我的 Evernote 电子邮件地址。我将Content-Type设置为' text/html '。只要我不向电子邮件添加任何附件,它就可以正常工作。一旦我添加了附件,关于生成的电子邮件的某些内容就会使 Evernote 网络界面将电子邮件解释为原始 HTML. 换句话说,我在文档显示区域中看到原始 HTML,就好像我在浏览器中完成了“查看源代码”一样,而不是看到呈现的网页。我添加的电子邮件附件是一个 AVI 文件和一个 WAV 文件(如果重要的话)。当我添加附件时,它们都正确显示在 Evernote 网络显示区域的电子邮件底部。
重复一遍,只要我不添加附件,文档就会在 Evernote 网络界面中显示为漂亮的网页。如果我添加附件,我会看到原始 HTML。谁能建议我可以尝试解决此问题的方法?我在下面附上了我用来将生成的文档发送到我的 Evernote 电子邮件地址的代码。名为body的变量包含一个完全格式化的 HTML 文档。
更新:我将电子邮件发送到非 Evernote 电子邮件地址,以便我可以看到原始电子邮件消息。我发现添加附件会使 TIdSMTP 将它生成的多部分电子邮件的第一部分的 Content-Type 更改回“text/plain”,尽管事实上我在代码中将其设置为“text/html”时我创建消息。我将查看 Indy 的源代码,看看我是否能找出问题所在。
function easySendEmail(
theIdSmtp : TIdSmtp;
destEMailAddress : string;
subject : string;
body : string;
emailServerSettings : TEmailServerSettingsRecord;
aryAttachmentFilenames : TDynamicStringArray;
connectTimeOut_ms : integer;
bUseEHLO : boolean;
authLoginType : TAuthenticationType): boolean;
IdMsg: TIdMessage;
aryAttachments: TDynamicIdAttachmentArray;
i: integer;
aryAttachments := nil;
IdMsg := nil;
destEMailAddress := Trim(destEMailAddress);
if destEMailAddress = '' then
raise Exception.Create('(TframeEmailServerSettings.easySendEmail) The destination E-mail address is empty.');
subject := Trim(subject);
if subject = '' then
raise Exception.Create('(TframeEmailServerSettings.easySendEmail) The subject line is empty.');
body := Trim(body);
if body = '' then
raise Exception.Create('(TframeEmailServerSettings.easySendEmail) The message body is empty.');
with emailServerSettings do
// Build a test message and send it.
IdMsg := TIdMessage.Create(nil);
IdMsg.Recipients.EMailAddresses := destEMailAddress;
Most SMTP servers require the sending E-mail address as the
user name for the authentication. However, if we
encounter one that doesn't work this way then re-using
the authentication user name as the From address
will not work.
IdMsg.From.Address := user_name;
IdMsg.Subject := subject;
IdMsg.Body.Text := body;
IdMsg.ContentType := 'text/html';
// IdMsg.ContentType := 'text/plain';
theIdSmtp.Host := host;
theIdSmtp.Username := user_name;
theIdSmtp.Password := password;
theIdSmtp.Port := port_number;
// Use EHLO method.
theIdSmtp.UseEhlo := true;
// Login method of authentication.
theIdSmtp.AuthenticationType := atLogin;
// Add the attachments.
// >>> If I comment out the code below the document shows
// up as a rendered web page in the Evernote web interface.
// If I uncomment it and therefore add attachments, the
// document shows up as raw HTML.
if Length(aryAttachmentFilenames) > 0 then
SetLength(aryAttachments, Length(aryAttachmentFilenames));
for i := Low(aryAttachmentFilenames) to High(aryAttachmentFilenames) do
// Add each attachment.
aryAttachments[i] := TIdAttachment.Create(IdMsg.MessageParts, aryAttachmentFilenames[i]);
end; // if Length(aryAttachmentFilenames) > 0 then
// Connect to the desired SMTP server. N second time-out.
// Send it.
// If we got here than the test succeeded. Set the flag
// indicating the current settings are valid.
Result := true;
end; // with mergeEditsWithOriginal do
if Assigned(IdMsg) then
end; // try