My python GAE app's central application file looks like this:

import webapp2
import homepage
import user_auth
import user_confirm
import admin_user
import admin_config
import config

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
                                (user_auth.get_login_url(), user_auth.LoginHandler),
                                (user_auth.get_logout_url(), user_auth.LogoutHandler),
                                ("/user/confirm", user_confirm.UserConfirmHandler),
                                ("/admin/config", admin_config.AdminConfigHandler),
                                ("/admin/user/add", admin_user.AdminAddUserHandler),
                                ("/admin/user", admin_user.AdminUserHandler),
                                ("/", homepage.HomepageHandler),
                            ], debug=True)

As you can see, I must import a bunch of request handlers, but for each request, only one of them is used, the other imports are just useless!
That's a big waste of memory and performance because those unnecessary imports also import other things on their own. Does Google App Engine have some "caching" mechanism or something that makes these unnecessary imports negligible? I think not.

How can I avoid them? I just haven't found out the way to import 1 Request Handler per request. If I put all the routing to app.yaml, that would work the way I want, but it makes things complex because I must write app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(... for every request handler file and repeat those boring urls twice (both in the python file and in app.yaml).


1 回答 1


在这里找到了方法,已经内置到 webapp2 http://webapp-improved.appspot.com/guide/routing.html#lazy-handlers

于 2012-06-05T03:04:56.367 回答