Most features in a form work the same when using local tables or linked ones to sql server.
However one significant difference here is that even when you start editing information in a form in add mode the primary key is INSTANLTY added in a local form. This means if there’s any kind of lookups, perhaps even sub forms, or other expressions that are based on using the primary key, these displays will be instantly updated when you’re running a local edition of MS access and you start to type.
However when using linked tables to SQL server, the auto number primary key ID is not generated untill the record is actually saved. Therefore you should check these expression(s) if they use and rely on the primary key for their display of information.
If the above is your problem, then perhaps in one of the controls that a user common enters data you force a disk write (and thus force generation of the Primary key).
So in the “after update” event of a major textbox (field) you enter, you can force a disk write such as:
If isnull(me!id) = true then
‘ we have no primary key, force a disk write
If me.Dirty = false then
Me.Dirty = true
End if
End if
You might want to expand and give a few more details as to what kind of expressions are not working. However, the above is to most significant difference in the sequence of what point in time the primary key is created and becomes available to other expressions on the form.