我有一个应用程序,软件定义的无线电,它在一个端口上广播 UDP 数据包,告诉听众已经设置了什么频率和解调模式(除其他外)。

我编写了一个演示 python 客户端(下面的代码),它监听端口,并将适当数据包中的信息转储到控制台。

它们都在 OSX 10.6、Snow Leopard 下运行。他们在那里工作。

我遇到的问题/问题是:Python 应用程序必须在无线电应用程序之前启动,或者它声称在绑定期间端口已在使用中(ERRNO 47),我不明白为什么。广播应用程序正在广播 UDP;当然,我想容纳多个听众——这就是广播的想法,或者至少我是这么想的。

所以这是 Python 代码(由于堆栈溢出的“make-it-code”缩进非常愚蠢,缩进有点混乱,但我向你保证没关系):

import select, socket 

# AA7AS - for SdrDx UDP broadcast

# this is a sample python script that captures the UDP messages
# that are coming from SdrDx. SdrDx tells you what frequency and
# mode it has been set to. This, in turn, would be used to tell
# another radio to tune to that frequency and mode.

# UDP packet from SdrDx is zero terminated, but receiving the
# packet makes it seem like the string contains zeros all the
# way out to the 1024th character. This function extracts a
# python string up to the point where it hits the first zero,
# then returns that string.
# -----------------------------------------------------------
def zeroterm(msg):
    counter = 0;
    for c in msg:
        if ord(c) != 0:
            counter += 1
    strn = msg[:counter]
    return strn

port = 58083        # port where we expect to get a msg
bufferSize = 1024   # room for message

# Create port to listen upon
# --------------------------
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    s.bind(('', port))
    print 'failure to bind'

# Listen for messages
# -------------------
looping = True

while looping:
    result = select.select([s],[],[])
except: # you can kill the client here with control-c in its shell
    s.close()   # must close socket
    print 'Closing, exception encountered during select' # warn
    raise SystemExit    # and quit
msg = result[0][0].recv(bufferSize) # actually fetch the UDP data
msg = zeroterm(msg) # convert content into python string

# in next line, [] contain optional repeats
# message format is keyword:data[|keyword:data]
# where from 1...n keyword:data pairs may appear, up to 1024 bytes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

    msgs = msg.split('|')       # can be more than one message in packet
except: # failed to split
    msgs = []                   # on the other hand, can just be one. :)
    msgs.append(msg)            # so build array with that one.
for m in msgs:                  # now, for every message we have
    keyw,data = m.split(':')    # break into keyword and data
    print keyw + "-->" + data   # you'd do something with this
    if keyw == "closing":       # Our client terminates when SdrDx does
        looping = False         # loop stops

 s.close()                          # must close socket
print 'Normal termination'

作为参考,这是发送 UDP 消息的 Qt 代码:


bcast = new QHostAddress("");
if (bcast)
    udpSocketSend = new QUdpSocket(0);
    if (udpSocketSend)
        udpSocketSend->bind(*bcast, txudp);


if (udpSocketSend)
    QByteArray *datagram = new QByteArray(1024,0);  // datagram is full of zeroes
    strcpy(datagram->data(),msg);                   // except where text message is in it at beginning
    udpSocketSend->writeDatagram(*datagram, QHostAddress::Broadcast,txudp); // send

1 回答 1




if (udpSocketSend)
    udpSocketSend->bind(*bcast, txudp);


s.bind(('', port))


除非您关心源端口是什么,否则您不需要bind()在发送方上,只需发送它,堆栈就会选择适当的传出源端口号。在发送方的情况下,当您传输 UDP 数据报时,您指定目的地 ( udpSocketSend->writeDatagram(...)),并且bind实际确定传出数据报的来源。如果你不这样做bind,那很好,堆栈会为你分配一个端口。


最后,可以选择设置SO_REUSEADDR套接字选项(以您使用的任何语言)。如果您想在同一台机器上运行多个客户端,这将是必要的,因为所有客户端都必须绑定到同一个地址。但是,我不确定这个套接字选项是否是跨平台的(*nix 工作正常),我认为上述建议更好。

于 2012-06-04T20:36:26.320 回答