I have an ASP.NET page which sometimes does not generate the expected "WebForm_AutoFocus()" javascript, even though I am explicitly calling .Focus() on one of the controls. Are there any known scenarios where some factor would prevent that javascript from being generated?

Specifically, when the user clicks a particular button, I'm creating some new controls dynamically: in this case a text box. In OnPreRender I'm grabbing that newly-created control and calling .Focus() on it. The idea is, when the postback completes, the browser gives focus to the newly-created textbox control. However, the generated HTML (verified via firebug and fiddler) simply does not contain a WebForm_Autofocus call at all.

In other scernarios, the same page (on postback or on initial hit) calls .Focus() on a different control - one which is not dynamically created; in those cases the WebForm_AutoFocus() script is generated perfectly, and all is well.

Unfortunately, I'm working on a client system that LOVES frameworks upon frameworks, and abstractions upon abstractions, so I cannot post a meaningful/concise code sample here. However, if any of my friendly SO'ers knows more about generation of that "WebForm_AutoFocus" javascript - and scenarios which would prevent it from being generated - that would give me a good place to start digging.


1 回答 1


只有当 asp.net 认为有需要时,才会包含自动对焦调用。在页面上设置一个默认按钮,以便 asp.net 知道该方法。

于 2013-01-21T21:09:02.233 回答