Rails is quite different from Wordpress at a fundamental level:
Wordpress is flexible application software that can be used for blogging, as a Content Management System for building websites and more.
Rails is is flexible application building software. It is used to build web applications including web sites and more.
For example, you could use Rails to build the equivalent of Wordpress. Wordpress itself was built using an alternative to Rails, php.
Templates Yes, both Wordpress and Rails use templates.
- In Wordpress, most of your customization of Wordpress is done using templates.
- In Rails, templates are just one part of your application. Other key parts are models and controllers.
Other questions/answers
- Do I need template files the same way I need them in WordPress? Yes, you usually use them, but they are just one part of Rails apps.
- Do I need a deep understanding of SQL? A. You need to understand more about what's going on in the database with Rails than with WP. But you don't need a "deep" level of SQL. Rails handles most all of the sql for you. You do need to understand the ideas of tables, joins, columns, column types and how to choose them.
- Can I use Rails with most hosting services? A. Not as easily as WP. Ask your hosting service to see what their answer is about Rails. There are low cost hosting services that work well with Rails. DreamHost is one.
- What is the firs thing I need to understand before I begin to do some practical learning on RoR (I like to learn as I go along - for instance, people starting out learning HTML learn usually by building a website as they go along). A. Understand the difference between an application (WP) and a programming system that enables you to build applications (Rails).
Summary If you can do what you need to do in Wordpress then it is probably a good solution for your task. If you can't accomplish your task using Wordpress, or it seems like too much work to do so, then investigate Rails.
Next step I suggest that you get book on Rails and use it to learn the system.
Both Wordpress and Rails are fantastic open source projects. I use both and think that they are both great in their own ways.
I would not recommend Rails if you want to build a web content site. I do recommend it if you want to build a web application.
- You want to build a website where the pages are static except for a "add me to the email list" form. Use WP.
- You want to build a web page application which enables visitors to donate to a non-profit. Using plugin for WP would probably be the fastest solution. Or get a "Donate button" from Paypal or similar.
- You want to build a custom application which enables donors to organize themselves into teams, raise money and graph the on-going competition between the teams. This would be a good use of Rails.
Rails as a software learning tool If you want to learn or improve your skills at writing software, Rails is a good choice. It enables you to write large systems in the Ruby language. WP enables you to use php, but it is much easier to use Ruby to write object oriented software.