[Edited to reflect the comments so far, and my further reading.]

Question: I'm confused why the following three versions of the eta function,all written in python, are all about the same speed, namely linear in "bound", and with similar constants.

As a bit of background: I needed a reasonably fast version of the eta function for a computation. The definition of the eta function can be found here. Before giving the three functions, we need a simple helper function.

def chi(n): # Dirichlet character                                                     
    n = n%12
    if n == 1 or n == 11:
        return 1
    if n == 5 or n == 7:
        return -1
    return 0

Now the three versions that are puzzling me. First we have the obvious one-liner, direct from a definition of eta in terms of Jacobi theta functions.

def eta_Dedekind_theta(tau, bound = 50):
    assert tau.imag > 0
    r = Exp(Pi*I*tau/12)
    # sum_1^infty chi(n) r^(n^2)                                                      
    return sum([chi(n)*r**(n**2) for n in range(1,bound+1)])

Second we have the obvious modification of the one-liner: replace the list comprehension with a generator expression.

def eta_Dedekind_theta_round(tau, bound = 50):
    assert tau.imag > 0
    r = Exp(Pi*I*tau/12)
    # sum_1^infty chi(n) r^(n^2)                                                      
    return sum((chi(n)*r**(n**2) for n in range(1,bound+1)))

But this version is ever so slightly slower - why does replacing the list comprehension with a generator slow things down? Finally, here is the version I coded first. I thought this was very clever, as it avoids exponentiation with quadratically large exponent.

def eta_Dedekind_theta_clever(tau, bound = 50):
    assert tau.imag > 0
    r = Exp(Pi*I*tau/12)
    r2 = r**2
    lin = 1
    quad = r
    sum = 0
    # sum_1^infty chi(n) r^(n^2)                                                      
    for n in range(1, bound+1):
        sum = sum + chi(n)*quad # n^2                                                 
        lin = lin*r2 # 2n                                                             
        quad = quad*lin*r # n^2 + 2n + 1 = (n+1)^2                                    
    return sum

Indeed, this version is ever so slightly faster than both of the previous. But I thought that this would be linear while the one-liners would be very slow due to the cost of exponentiation. But that is not the case: timings show that all of them are linear in "bound" with roughly similar constants. I guess I don't understand the cost of operations in python.


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