$(document).ready( function() {
var textArray = [
'Hello! I\'m Zac. I\'m allergic to pineapples, gum, and woolly bear caterpillars. And Comic Sans.',
'Hello! I\'m Zac. I love Apple products.',
'Hello! I\'m Zac. I have touched the North, East, West, and South coasts of the USA.',
'Hello! I\'m Zac. I\'m a designer.',
'Hello! I\'m Zac. I lived in Minnesota for 20 years. I\'ve lived in Ohio for 2 and a half.',
'Hello! I\'m Zac. Two of my favorite artists are Shepard Fairey and Banksy.',
'Hello! I\'m Zac. Bettendorf (my last name) is also the name of one of the Quad Cities.',
'Hello! I\'m Zac. My high school graduating class consisted of just 36 people.',
'Hello! I\'m Zac. My closet is arranged by hue, saturation, and luminosity.',
'Hello! I\'m Zac. I\'m a visual artist.',
'Hello! I\'m Zac. I\'m a Minnesota native.',
'Hello! I\'m Zac. The servers that host this website are 100% wind powered.'
$('#text-content').loadText( textArray, 6000 ); // ( array, interval )
// custom jquery plugin loadText()
$.fn.loadText = function( textArray, interval ) {
return this.each( function() {
var obj = $(this);
obj.fadeOut( 'slow', function() {
obj.empty().html( random_array( textArray ) );
obj.fadeIn( 'slow' );
timeOut = setTimeout( function(){ obj.loadText( textArray, interval )}, interval );
// reload random text (if not animated) -- entirely optional, can be removed, along with the reload link above (<a href="javascript:;" id="text-reload"><em>randomize</em></a>)
$("#text-reload").click( function(){
if( !obj.is(':animated') ) { clearTimeout( timeOut ); obj.loadText( textArray, interval );} // animation check prevents "too much recursion" error in jQuery
//public function
function random_array( aArray ) {
var rand = Math.floor( Math.random() * aArray.length + aArray.length );
var randArray = aArray[ rand - aArray.length ];
return randArray;