
// my database connection is opened

// this gets all of the entries in the database
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM my_table ORDER BY id ASC");
$count = mysql_num_rows($q);
// this is how many results I want to display
$max = 2;
// this determines how many pages there will be
$pages = round($count/$max,0);
// this is where I think my script goes wrong
// I want to get the last result of the first page
// or the first result of the previous page
// so the query can start where the last query left off
// I've tried a few different things to get this script to work
// but I think that I need to get the first or last result of the previous page
// but I don't know how to.
$get = $_GET['p'];
$pn = $_GET['pn'];
$pq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM my_table ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $max OFFSET $get");

// my query results appear

if(!$pn) {
    $pn = 1;
echo "</table><br />
Page $pn of $pages<br />";
for($p = 1;$p<=$pages;$p++) {
    echo "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='nextPage($max, $p);' title='Page $p'>Page $p</a> ";

2 回答 2


我认为您在那里几乎没有问题,但我会尝试为您解决这些问题。首先,正如上面的评论所说,您使用的代码容易受到 SQL 注入的影响。请注意这一点 - 您可能想要使用 PDO,它与 MySQL 扩展一样易于使用,并且可以让您免于许多麻烦(如注入)。


  1. 您应该要求 DB 获取行数,而不是使用 mysql 函数,它更有效,所以使用SELECT count(*) FROM mytable.
  2. 对于$pages要打印所有行的使用 ceil() ,如果您有$max5 行且有 11 行,则 round 将为$pages2,您实际需要 3 行(最后一页仅包含最后第 11 行)
  3. 在 LIMIT 你想要LIMIT row_count OFFSET offset。您可以从页码计算偏移量,因此:$max = row_count但是$offset = ($max * $page) - $max. 在您的代码中,如果$get直接是页面,则意味着您获得了 $get'th 行(不确定在您的 JS 下一页中会发生什么。请记住,并非所有人都使用 JavaScript。)

我在这里准备了使用 PDO 的简单示例,也许这让您知道使用 PDO 是多么简单。

选择行显示了如何在 SQL 中放置参数的示例,在这种情况下将是完全安全的,'SELECT * FROM pseudorows LIMIT '.$start.','.$max我想举例说明它是多么容易(然后是安全的):

// DB config
$DB_NAME    = 'test';
$DB_USER    = 'test';
$DB_PASSWD  = 'test';

    // make connection
try {
    $DB_CONN = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=".$DB_NAME, $DB_USER, $DB_PASSWD);
} catch (PDOException $e) {

// lets say user param 'p' is page, we cast it int, just to be safe
$page   = (int) (isset($_GET['p'])?$_GET['p']:1);
// max rows in page
$max    = 20;

// first select count of all rows in the table
$stmt = $DB_CONN->prepare('SELECT count(*) FROM pseudorows');
if($value = $stmt->fetch()) {
    // now we know how many pages we must print in pagination
    // it's $value/$max = pages
    $pages = ceil($value[0]/$max);

    // now let's print this page results, we are on $page page
    // we start from position max_rows_in_page * page_we_are_in - max_rows_in_page
    // (as first page is 1 not 0, and rows in DB start from 0 when LIMITing)
    $start = ($page * $max) - $max;
    $stmt = $DB_CONN->prepare('SELECT * FROM pseudorows LIMIT :start,:max');
    $stmt->bindParam(':max',  $max,PDO::PARAM_INT);

    // simply just print rows
    echo '<table>';
    while($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
        echo '<tr><td>#'.$row['id'].'</td><td>'.$row['title'].'</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';

    // let's show pagination
    for($i=1;$i<=$pages;$i++) {
        echo '[ <a href="?p='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a> ]';
于 2012-06-03T08:32:41.350 回答



$pqa = mysql_fetch_array($pq);
$first = reset($pqa);
$last = end($pqa);


不过,希望它有所帮助。是的,升级到 mysqli,这样您的代码就不会过时。

于 2012-06-03T08:19:12.493 回答