我已经调试这段代码几个小时了,我想我会从其他人看看这个问题中受益。我正在用 C# .net 为我的软件编写登录系统。我在 SHA512 中对密码进行编码。我正在使用Rush Frisby编写的散列算法。
// Form1.cs (inside button1_Click)
// IsConnected is a variable which holds the state of the connection
// to the server
if (IsConnected == true)
UsernameField = textBox1.Text; // Fetch the username
PasswordField = textBox2.Text; // Fetch the password
// The per-user salt is stored in the DB, go get it:
Salt = MH.GetUserSalt(UsernameField); // Get the salt for the user
// Encrypt the salt, pepper and secret keys in SHA512
Salt = HH.SHA512(Salt); // The salt is stored in the DB
Pepper = HH.SHA512(Pepper); // The salt is a private field in the current class
SecretKey = HH.SHA512(Salt + Pepper); // The secret key = SHA512(Salt + Pepper)
// Now, with the secret key let's add that to the password after it's encrypted
PasswordField = SecretKey + (HH.SHA512(PasswordField)); // The password is now secret key + SHA512(password)
// I am expecting 1 row back from the database:
success = MH.CheckUser(UsernameField, PasswordField); // success (bool): Did CheckUser return 1 row?
// MySQLHelper.cs
public bool CheckUser(string username, string password)
if (IsConnected != true)
LastError = "Not connected!";
return false;
cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM credentials WHERE Username = '" + username + "' AND Password = '" + password + "'";
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
rows = 0;
while (rdr.Read())
// Gracefully release resources (rdr)
if (rows == 1)
return true;
return false;
这始终适用于第一次登录尝试(授予我提供合法凭据),但是如果我第一次尝试失败,第二次尝试(以及任何相应的尝试)将始终返回 0(行),即使凭据是好的(其中应该返回 1 行)。如果我关闭应用程序并重新打开它,也会发生同样的事情。我可以登录,但我必须在第一次尝试时提供良好的凭据,否则其余的将无法正常工作。
正如我所提到的,我已将问题归结为密码字段不匹配。这是将密钥添加到 sha512 编码的用户密码的阶段。让我给你举个例子:
C# Windows 7 x64 Visual Studio 11 MySQL 连接器网络 6.5.4