It's such a simple issue blocking me from accomplishment and happiness.
The Parent Div of my site: Must not be an exact height.
#Container {
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
width: 993px;
**height: 100%;**
The iFrame_Holder Div: Also must not be an exact height.
#iframe_holder {
position: relative;
width: 993px;
height: 100%;
The HTML: (Src .html pages will be relatively positioned with various page heights.)
<div id="Container">
<div id="iframe_holder">
<iframe width="933" height="100%"frameborder="0" Scrolling="no" src="About.html"> </iframe>
Now if the parent div must have a specific hight rather than percentage how will my Iframe's various sized pages get displayed without awkward extra space or being cut off?
What the trick and thanks for your help.