Use TCPDF. It has a very handy SetY() / GetY()
pair of functions, that allows you to know, where on the page you are. You can use this to know when to do a page break.
Hint: Do not use the Header/Footer capabilities - they are clunky. Draw your own headers/footers.
As from discussion below, here are some details: To avoid overlaying you have 2 possibilities
- Use
and calculate
- Use Transactions
The first version draws its rationale from the fact, that of all objects you typically use in generating a PDF a text-flow is the only one, of which you cannot tell beforehand the height it will use. getStringHeight()
provides you with a good enough estimate, so you know before adding the element, if it will fit on the page (leaving enough room on the bottom for the footer). So basically you extend your drawing loop to calculate the height of each element and test, if you need to start a new page first. This allows also for some sort of keeptogether, e.g. if the remaining space after a section title is too low, start a new page before, to keep section title and section body together.
The second version is even easier: In TCPDF you can use transactions simialr to a Database: Start a transaction, draw, if the result is not to your liking roll back, else commit. We found this to be quite a performance hog, ultimately deciding against it for long textual reports, but a 2-page invoice is a very different beast.