我是 Go 新手,我在 C 风格的基于堆栈的编程(其中自动变量位于堆栈上,分配的内存位于堆上)与 Python 风格的基于堆栈的编程之间存在一些认知失调,其中唯一的存在于堆栈上的东西是指向堆上对象的引用/指针。


func myFunction() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk *MyStructType = new(HeaderChunk)


    return chunk, nil

func myFunction() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk MyStructType


    return &chunk, nil


如果我用 C 语言编写,第一个会将对象放在堆上,第二个会将它放在堆栈上。第一个将返回一个指向堆的指针,第二个将返回一个指向堆栈的指针,在函数返回时它会消失,这将是一件坏事。

如果我用 Python(或除 C# 之外的许多其他现代语言)编写它,示例 2 将是不可能的。

我知道 Go 垃圾会收集这两个值,所以上述两种形式都很好。


请注意,与 C 不同,返回局部变量的地址是完全可以的;与变量关联的存储在函数返回后仍然存在。事实上,获取复合文字的地址会在每次评估时分配一个新实例,因此我们可以将最后两行组合起来。



  1. 在示例 1 中,结构是在堆上声明的。例子2呢?是在堆栈上以与在 C 中相同的方式声明还是在堆上进行声明?

  2. 如果示例 2 在堆栈上声明,那么它在函数返回后如何保持可用?

  3. 如果示例 2 实际上是在堆上声明的,那么结构是如何通过值而不是通过引用传递的?在这种情况下,指针的意义何在?


5 回答 5


It's worth noting that the words "stack" and "heap" do not appear anywhere in the language spec. Your question is worded with "...is declared on the stack," and "...declared on the heap," but note that Go declaration syntax says nothing about stack or heap.

That technically makes the answer to all of your questions implementation dependent. In actuality of course, there is a stack (per goroutine!) and a heap and some things go on the stack and some on the heap. In some cases the compiler follows rigid rules (like "new always allocates on the heap") and in others the compiler does "escape analysis" to decide if an object can live on the stack or if it must be allocated on the heap.

In your example 2, escape analysis would show the pointer to the struct escaping and so the compiler would have to allocate the struct. I think the current implementation of Go follows a rigid rule in this case however, which is that if the address is taken of any part of a struct, the struct goes on the heap.

For question 3, we risk getting confused about terminology. Everything in Go is passed by value, there is no pass by reference. Here you are returning a pointer value. What's the point of pointers? Consider the following modification of your example:

type MyStructType struct{}

func myFunction1() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk *MyStructType = new(MyStructType)
    // ...
    return chunk, nil

func myFunction2() (MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk MyStructType
    // ...
    return chunk, nil

type bigStruct struct {
    lots [1e6]float64

func myFunction3() (bigStruct, error) {
    var chunk bigStruct
    // ...
    return chunk, nil

I modified myFunction2 to return the struct rather than the address of the struct. Compare the assembly output of myFunction1 and myFunction2 now,

--- prog list "myFunction1" ---
0000 (s.go:5) TEXT    myFunction1+0(SB),$16-24
0001 (s.go:6) MOVQ    $type."".MyStructType+0(SB),(SP)
0002 (s.go:6) CALL    ,runtime.new+0(SB)
0003 (s.go:6) MOVQ    8(SP),AX
0004 (s.go:8) MOVQ    AX,.noname+0(FP)
0005 (s.go:8) MOVQ    $0,.noname+8(FP)
0006 (s.go:8) MOVQ    $0,.noname+16(FP)
0007 (s.go:8) RET     ,

--- prog list "myFunction2" ---
0008 (s.go:11) TEXT    myFunction2+0(SB),$0-16
0009 (s.go:12) LEAQ    chunk+0(SP),DI
0010 (s.go:12) MOVQ    $0,AX
0011 (s.go:14) LEAQ    .noname+0(FP),BX
0012 (s.go:14) LEAQ    chunk+0(SP),BX
0013 (s.go:14) MOVQ    $0,.noname+0(FP)
0014 (s.go:14) MOVQ    $0,.noname+8(FP)
0015 (s.go:14) RET     ,

Don't worry that myFunction1 output here is different than in peterSO's (excellent) answer. We're obviously running different compilers. Otherwise, see that I modfied myFunction2 to return myStructType rather than *myStructType. The call to runtime.new is gone, which in some cases would be a good thing. Hold on though, here's myFunction3,

--- prog list "myFunction3" ---
0016 (s.go:21) TEXT    myFunction3+0(SB),$8000000-8000016
0017 (s.go:22) LEAQ    chunk+-8000000(SP),DI
0018 (s.go:22) MOVQ    $0,AX
0019 (s.go:22) MOVQ    $1000000,CX
0020 (s.go:22) REP     ,
0021 (s.go:22) STOSQ   ,
0022 (s.go:24) LEAQ    chunk+-8000000(SP),SI
0023 (s.go:24) LEAQ    .noname+0(FP),DI
0024 (s.go:24) MOVQ    $1000000,CX
0025 (s.go:24) REP     ,
0026 (s.go:24) MOVSQ   ,
0027 (s.go:24) MOVQ    $0,.noname+8000000(FP)
0028 (s.go:24) MOVQ    $0,.noname+8000008(FP)
0029 (s.go:24) RET     ,

Still no call to runtime.new, and yes it really works to return an 8MB object by value. It works, but you usually wouldn't want to. The point of a pointer here would be to avoid pushing around 8MB objects.

于 2012-06-03T00:01:15.370 回答
type MyStructType struct{}

func myFunction1() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk *MyStructType = new(MyStructType)
    // ...
    return chunk, nil

func myFunction2() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk MyStructType
    // ...
    return &chunk, nil

在这两种情况下,Go 的当前实现都会为堆上struct的类型分配内存并返回其地址。MyStructType功能是等价的;编译器 asm 源是相同的。

--- prog list "myFunction1" ---
0000 (temp.go:9) TEXT    myFunction1+0(SB),$8-12
0001 (temp.go:10) MOVL    $type."".MyStructType+0(SB),(SP)
0002 (temp.go:10) CALL    ,runtime.new+0(SB)
0003 (temp.go:10) MOVL    4(SP),BX
0004 (temp.go:12) MOVL    BX,.noname+0(FP)
0005 (temp.go:12) MOVL    $0,AX
0006 (temp.go:12) LEAL    .noname+4(FP),DI
0007 (temp.go:12) STOSL   ,
0008 (temp.go:12) STOSL   ,
0009 (temp.go:12) RET     ,

--- prog list "myFunction2" ---
0010 (temp.go:15) TEXT    myFunction2+0(SB),$8-12
0011 (temp.go:16) MOVL    $type."".MyStructType+0(SB),(SP)
0012 (temp.go:16) CALL    ,runtime.new+0(SB)
0013 (temp.go:16) MOVL    4(SP),BX
0014 (temp.go:18) MOVL    BX,.noname+0(FP)
0015 (temp.go:18) MOVL    $0,AX
0016 (temp.go:18) LEAL    .noname+4(FP),DI
0017 (temp.go:18) STOSL   ,
0018 (temp.go:18) STOSL   ,
0019 (temp.go:18) RET     ,




于 2012-06-02T22:53:45.393 回答

根据Go 的常见问题解答


于 2015-09-29T18:07:03.840 回答

如果您需要知道变量的分配位置,请将“-m”gc 标志传递给“go build”或“go run”(例如,go run -gcflags -m app.go)。

来源:http ://devs.cloudimmunity.com/gotchas-and-common-mistakes-in-go-golang/index.html#stack_heap_vars

于 2015-11-21T12:50:15.477 回答
func Function1() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk *MyStructType = new(HeaderChunk)


    return chunk, nil

func Function2() (*MyStructType, error) {
    var chunk MyStructType


    return &chunk, nil

Function1 和 Function2 可能是内联函数。并且返回变量不会逃逸。不必在堆上分配变量。


   package main
   type S struct {
           x int
   func main() {
  func F1() *S {
          s := new(S)
          return s
  func F2() *S {
          s := S{x: 10}
          return &s
  func F3() S {
          s := S{x: 9}
          return s


go run -gcflags -m test.go


# command-line-arguments
./test.go:13:6: can inline F1
./test.go:18:6: can inline F2
./test.go:23:6: can inline F3
./test.go:7:6: can inline main
./test.go:8:4: inlining call to F1
./test.go:9:4: inlining call to F2
./test.go:10:4: inlining call to F3
/var/folders/nr/lxtqsz6x1x1gfbyp1p0jy4p00000gn/T/go-build333003258/b001/_gomod_.go:6:6: can inline init.0
./test.go:8:4: main new(S) does not escape
./test.go:9:4: main &s does not escape
./test.go:14:10: new(S) escapes to heap
./test.go:20:9: &s escapes to heap
./test.go:19:2: moved to heap: s

如果编译器足够聪明,F1() F2() F3()可能不会被调用。因为它没有办法。


于 2019-08-17T02:36:47.230 回答