I have a Bluetooth headset (coupled with my smartphone) which produces sound of dial signal while waiting for connection and your interlocutor during conversation.

All other sounds like: keypress sound, mp3, other sounds of different applications is generated by the speaker of the smartphone.

My question: Is there any possible way, to write an application in AS 3.0 which will force the sound of this application to go through bluetooth headset (but not through a smartphone speaker)? I know that it may be connected with something called "system sound", but all my reaserch come to naught.


1 回答 1


第一个解决方案:安装BTmono 这个第四方允许您将声音从应用程序发送到耳机。第二:使用Native Extensions,写在Android SDK中。在这方面,您会在 Internet 上找到很多帮助,例如. 这将是很多工作,需要 AS 和 Java 知识。也不要忘记在权限中标记 BT 耳机。

于 2013-02-05T13:07:48.270 回答