

我认为快速选择算法的简化解释对于我理解它是如何工作的至关重要,因为我收到的教程和解释仍然难以掌握和可视化。甚至 youtube 上将快速排序变成舞蹈的视频也没有太大帮助。

在此先感谢 Stack,到目前为止,您提供了很大的帮助。


1 回答 1


你走进一个有 200 名儿童的体育馆。现在是 9 月 8 日,所以你渴望找到第 98 个最矮的孩子。你知道你可以把它们从最短到最高排列起来,但这需要很长时间。“我知道”,你会想,“我可以使用 QUICKSELECT!”


孩子们四处走动,很快他们就站在了两组中。你数了数,发现矮个组有 120 个孩子,高个组有 79 个孩子。你知道第 98 个最矮的孩子一定是矮个子组,所以你告诉彼得和 79 个个子高的孩子坐在看台上。


孩子们四处走动,很快他们就站在了两组中。你数了数,发现矮个组有 59 个孩子,高个组有 60 个孩子。你知道第 98 个最矮的孩子必须在较高的一组,所以你告诉宝拉和 59 个矮个的孩子坐在看台上。

You again close your eyes, stick out your finger, and spin around three times. When you open your eyes, you are pointing directly at Paula's cousin, Prudence Pivot. You say, "Quickly! Those of you who are still standing. If you're shorter than Prudence, come stand over here. If you're taller than Prudence, go stand over there. If you're the same height, you can go into either group."

The children shuffle around, and soon they are standing in the two groups. You count and find 37 children in the shorter group, and 22 children in the taller group. You know that Paula and 59 other shorter children are sitting on the bleachers. Along with the 37 shorter children still standing, you know that a total of 97 children are shorter than Prudence. Therefore, Prudence is the 98th shortest child!

Quickselect FTW!

于 2012-06-02T13:21:34.350 回答