Private Sub LoadDataBound()
Set rs = GetData
If Not rs.EOF Then
Set dgPend.DataSource = rs ' Bind the Datagrid to the recordset
dgPend.AllowUpdate = True
MsgBox "No Records Found in DataGrid!"
End If
'Call Bind_Contols
'Call End_Time
End Sub
Private Function GetData() As ADODB.Recordset
sWhichDataType = UCase(Trim(sWhichDataType))
Select Case sWhichDataType
Case "ADS"
sSource = "\\development\brakechecktables\speedwrench.add"
Set GetData = OpenADS
Case "SQL"
sSource = "development"
Set GetData = OpenSQL
Case "FOX"
sSource = "E:\Yes30\Data\speedwrench\"
Set GetData = OpenFOX
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid DataSet Selected"
End Select
End Function
在 LoadDataBound 中,它说 set rs = GetData()。这调用了下面的函数,但是为什么需要将它设置为 rs 记录集的对象。在这里纠正我,因为我很可能是错的,但它是否需要这样做,以便您能够从记录集中创建一个函数,而不必为两者(记录集和函数)使用相同的名称?或者这里是否有另一个我不知道的过程。