我们有大约 600,000 张图像从 JPEG 转换为 TIFF 文件并上传到我们的 FileNet 存储库。这些 TIFF 图像是多页的,由多个 JPEG 拼接而成。

这是几年前完成的。现在我们开始收到用户的投诉,称 TIFF 图像的质量与 JPEG 时不同。

有什么方法可以提高 TIFF 文件的质量?如果我必须重新迁移这些数据,JPEG 可以是多页的吗?请指教。


3 回答 3


You can't just add quality to an image, so you can either try improving the appearance of the current information or you'll need to re-create the images to get better information.

To me, it sounds like the initial creation process is the most likely cause of the quality issue. How you create the image is important.

For example, I had a large number of photos I needed to re-size, so I used irfanview's batch convert and the results were horrible. Perhaps I had the settings wrong, I don't know. I then tried using ImageMagick, and the results were great.
The point being, the conversion process isn't trivial.

If I were you, I'd look at how the images were created, experiment with different settings to determine what gives the best appearance, then re-create your photo gallery.

For photographic material, there's no real reason to use anything other than a jpeg if the target market is the general consumer.

于 2012-06-02T02:08:18.950 回答

TIFF 和 JPEG 都支持图像的无损和有损存储。你提到有一个先前的转换。转换可能是有损转换,因此您可能无法将数据恢复到以前的状态。

也就是说,如果您拥有原始源图像,您可能能够回到您所在的位置。关于多图像 jpeg,有这样一种格式 *.mpo 但我之前没有看到它使用过,所以你的 Millage 可能会有所不同。

于 2012-06-02T01:43:56.327 回答

您可能将灰度或彩色 Jpeg 转换为 Tiff。最常见的是每像素只有 1 位的 Tiff G4。所以 24 或 8 位被转换为 1 位,你会看到很多图像丢失。有多种方法可以提高图像质量,但我必须先查看图像才能提出一种方法。

于 2017-02-01T18:45:04.697 回答