I've finally reached the end of app creation. I know that Instruments and Shark can be used to test for memory leaks and other such "bad stuff" in your apps. Unfortunately I can't find any good tutorials on how to use these tools. Especially for Shark, how should I go about using these tools? Additionally, are there any other similar tools that may be more powerful or easy to use? Thanks you!


2 回答 2


查找内存泄漏和其他问题的一种方法是使用静态分析。如果您使用的是 Xcode,则在 Product->Analyze 中有一个集成工具。

于 2012-06-01T20:42:51.290 回答

Shark is no longer really used, use the Time Profiler instrument instead.

Currently your best bet is reading through the Apple documentation on Instruments.

于 2012-06-01T20:33:54.437 回答