我正在尝试在块的图像内写一个数字。我一直在寻找如何做到这一点,我发现了几种不同的方法来做到这一点。问题是,它们都不起作用。我已经尝试过这个和这个,但它们都导致联系日志中出现错误,上面写着invalid context 0x0
,它扩展了 NSObject 并拥有一个 UIImage。该 UIImage 用于另一个类的drawRect
-(id)initWithType:(NSString*)theType andSymbol:(NSString*)theSymbol {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
image = [[UIImage alloc] init];
type = theType;
symbol = theSymbol;
return self;
-(void)setImage:(UIImage*)theImage {
image = theImage;
image = [self addText:symbol atPoint:CGPointMake(0, 0) withFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:12] ofColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
方法调用如下所示的方法,由 H2CO3 给出:
- (UIImage *) addText: (NSString *) str atPoint: (CGPoint) point withFont: (UIFont *) font ofColor: (UIColor *) color {
int w = image.size.width;
int h = image.size.height;
// create empty bitmap context
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB ();
CGContextRef ctx = CGBitmapContextCreate (NULL, w, h, 8, w * 4, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst);
CGContextSetInterpolationQuality (ctx, kCGInterpolationHigh);
// draw the image and the text on the bitmap context
CGContextDrawImage (ctx, CGRectMake (0, 0, h, w), image.CGImage);
char *text = (char *)[str cStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding];
CGContextSetTextDrawingMode (ctx, kCGTextFill);
CGFloat *comp = CGColorGetComponents ([color CGColor]);
CGContextSetRGBFillColor (ctx, comp[0], comp[1], comp[2], comp[3]);
CGContextSelectFont (ctx, [[font fontName] UTF8String], [font pointSize], kCGEncodingMacRoman);
CGContextShowTextAtPoint (ctx, point.x, h - point.y, text, strlen (text));
// get the image as a UIImage and clean up
CGImageRef imageMasked = CGBitmapContextCreateImage (ctx);
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: imageMasked];
CGContextRelease (ctx);
CGImageRelease (imageMasked);
CGColorSpaceRelease (colorSpace);
return img;