public with sharing class ScheduleBatchLauncher{
public static String scheduleBatch(Datetime batchTime){
CreateAndModifyScheduler batchSched = new CreateAndModifyScheduler();
String cron = '20 25 * * * ?';
String schedId = System.schedule('Create and Modify Batch 1', cron, batchSched);
return schedId;
global class CreateAndModifyScheduler implements Schedulable{
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
CreateAndModify scBatch = new CreateAndModify();
// 批量 Apex 相关类 1
global class CreateAndModify implements
Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.Stateful{
global CreateAndModifyProcessor processor;
global CreateAndModify(){
this.processor = new CreateAndModifyProcessor();
global Database.queryLocator start
(Database.BatchableContext BC){
return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Agreement_ID__c, Begining__c,
Contact_Email__c, Contact_Name__c,
Country_Code__c, Currency__c,
Customer_Address__c, Customer_ID__c,
Ending__c,Price__c FROM Unprocessed_Agreement__c]);
global void execute(
Database.BatchableContext BC,
List<sObject> listObj){
list <Account__c> inAcc = new list<Account__c>();
for (sObject lo : listObj){
Unprocessed_Agreement__c temp = (Unprocessed_Agreement__c)lo;
global void finish(
Database.BatchableContext BC){
// 批量 Apex 相关类 2
global class CreateAndModifyProcessor {
global Account__c processAccountRecord( Unprocessed_Agreement__c temp){
Account__c tempAcc = new Account__c();
tempAcc.Customer_Name__c = temp.Customer_Name__c;
tempAcc.Customer_Address__c = temp.Customer_Address__c;
tempAcc.Postal_Code__c = temp.Customer_Postal_Code__c;
return tempAcc;
请如果有人可以看看它。另外,如果有人想看我的 build.xml 或 package.xml 请告诉..谢谢