所以我有一个模型表格 - 这是 django令人难以置信的不直观的模型编辑过程,如果有人有一个可靠的“白痴”教程,我很想听听它!
手头的问题是向 modelForm 字段添加/设置一个值,以便它显示在 html 中。
class EditSaveModel(View):
def get(self,request,id=None):
form = self.getForm(request,id)
return self.renderTheForm(form,request)
def getForm(self,request,id):
if id:
return self.idHelper(request,id)
return PostForm()
深入 idHelper:
def idHelper(self,request,id):
thePost = get_object_or_404(Post, pk=id)
if thePost.story.user != request.user:
return HttpResponseForbidden(render_to_response('errors/403.html'))
postForm = PostForm(instance=thePost)
postForm.fields.storyId.value = thePost.story.id **ANY NUMBER OF COMBOS HAVE BEEN TRIED!
return postForm
我在哪里获得一个帖子对象,检查它是否属于活动用户,然后为其附加一个新值 - “storyId”
postForm.storyId.value = thePost.story.id
但这告诉我 postForm没有要设置的 storyId 值!
postForm.storyId = thePost.story.id
但这实际上并没有设置storyId - 也就是说,在html中,不存在任何值。
看看我的 PostForm 定义:
class PostForm(forms.ModelForm):
storyId = forms.IntegerField(required=True, widget=forms.HiddenInput())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
super(PostForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
model = Post
ordering = ['create_date']
fields = ('post',)
#some validation here!
#associates the new post with the story, and checks that the user adding the post also owns that story
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super(PostForm, self).clean()
storyId = self.cleaned_data.get('storyId')
storyArray = Story.objects.filter(id=storyId,user=self.request.user.id)
if not len(storyArray): #eh, this means if self.story is empty.
raise forms.ValidationError('Whoops, something went wrong with the story you\'re using . Please try again')
self.story = storyArray[0]
return cleaned_data
我想在我的 PostForm 上附加一个隐藏的storyId 字段,以便我始终知道给定帖子附加到哪个故事!现在,我知道可能有其他方法可以做到这一点 - 我可能能够以某种方式将外键添加为“隐藏”?这是受欢迎的,请告诉我如何!但是我现在真的很想将外键作为隐藏字段,所以请随意提出不同的方式,但也可以回答外键作为隐藏模型表单的问题!
有了上面的所有代码,我想我可以在 html 中使用它(因为我的表单绝对被称为“表单”):
{% for hidden in form.hidden_fields %}
{{ hidden.errors }}
{{ hidden }}
{% endfor %}
{{ form.storyId }}
但这不起作用!storyId 永远不会显示为设定值。