我正在为 Windows 服务编写一个 nuget 包,其想法是我的同事可以创建一个 Windows 服务安装该包,并为他们设置所有默认日志记录设置、entlib 库和其他家务管理任务。


在我的 nuget 目录的内容文件夹中,我有 Service.cs 和 Service.Designer.cs 这些被添加到目标 csproj 但它们不相关。

当我查看 csproj 文件时,我看到:

<Compile Include="Service.cs">
<Compile Include="Service.Designer.cs" />


<Compile Include="Service.cs">
<Compile Include="Service.Designer.cs">

任何想法,很确定它会涉及 install.ps 脚本,但我的 powershell 技能不存在?

顺便说一句,可以使用 nuget 删除/覆盖文件吗?到目前为止,它似乎只是跳过。


3 回答 3


经过大约 2 天的 powershell 和 msbuild hell 之后,我终于得到了一个可行的解决方案。见下文。一个调用 project.Save() 的警告词是至关重要的 - 没有这个,您将收到“检测到冲突的文件修改”警告。如果您首先调用 project.Save(),则只会在完成后要求您重新加载解决方案。

param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)

#save the project file first - this commits the changes made by nuget before this     script runs.

#Load the csproj file into an xml object
$xml = [XML] (gc $project.FullName)

#grab the namespace from the project element so your xpath works.
$nsmgr = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager -ArgumentList $xml.NameTable

#link the service designer to the service.cs
$node = $xml.Project.SelectSingleNode("//a:Compile[@Include='Service.Designer.cs']", $nsmgr)
$depUpon = $xml.CreateElement("DependentUpon", $xml.Project.GetAttribute("xmlns"))
$depUpon.InnerXml = "Service.cs"

#link the settings file to the settings.designer.cs 
$settings = $xml.Project.SelectSingleNode("//a:None[@Include='ServiceSettings.settings']", $nsmgr)
$generator = $xml.CreateElement("Generator", $xml.Project.GetAttribute("xmlns"))
$generator.InnerXml = "SettingsSingleFileGenerator"

$LastGenOutput = $xml.CreateElement("LastGenOutput", $xml.Project.GetAttribute("xmlns"))
$LastGenOutput.InnerXml = "ServiceSettings.Designer.cs"

#set the settings designer to be autogen
$settingsDesigner = $xml.Project.SelectSingleNode("//a:Compile[@Include='ServiceSettings.Designer.cs']", $nsmgr)
$autoGen = $xml.CreateElement("AutoGen", $xml.Project.GetAttribute("xmlns"))
$autoGen.InnerXml = "True"

$DesignTimeSharedInput = $xml.CreateElement("DesignTimeSharedInput", $xml.Project.GetAttribute("xmlns"))
$DesignTimeSharedInput.InnerXml = "True"

$AGDependentUpon = $xml.CreateElement("DependentUpon", $xml.Project.GetAttribute("xmlns"))
$AGDependentUpon.InnerXml = "ServiceSettings.settings"


#fix up the project installer.    
$projectInstallerRes = $xml.Project.SelectSingleNode("//a:EmbeddedResource[@Include='ProjectInstaller.resx']", $nsmgr)
$projectInstallerResDepUpon = $xml.CreateElement("DependentUpon", $xml.Project.GetAttribute("xmlns"))
$projectInstallerResDepUpon.InnerXml = "ProjectInstaller.cs"

$projectInstallerDesigner = $xml.Project.SelectSingleNode("//a:Compile[@Include='ProjectInstaller.Designer.cs']", $nsmgr)
$projectInstallerDesignerDepUpon = $xml.CreateElement("DependentUpon", $xml.Project.GetAttribute("xmlns"))
$projectInstallerDesignerDepUpon.InnerXml = "ProjectInstaller.cs"

#delete the bundled program.cs file.
$prog = $xml.Project.SelectSingleNode("//a:Compile[@Include='Program.cs']", $nsmgr)

#delete the bundled service1 file
$oldServiceFile = $xml.Project.SelectSingleNode("//a:Compile[@Include='Service1.cs']", $nsmgr)

$oldServiceDesignerFile = $xml.Project.SelectSingleNode("//a:Compile[@Include='Service1.Designer.cs']", $nsmgr)

#save the changes.

无耻的自我插入:我将在我的博客 cianm.com 上完整地写下我遇到的解决方案和问题 希望这可以节省一些时间。

于 2012-06-05T03:09:29.323 回答

我认为更简单的方法(并且可能更受支持)是通过$project指向 DTE 项目的变量。

注意:一年后我将进入这个,但面临类似的问题。我找到了这个答案并开始使用它,但我在 PowerShell 脚本末尾的 Save 调用遇到了问题 - 如果我安装了一个依赖于 PowerShell 脚本的包的包,则 Save 调用“破坏”所以其他软件包无法正确安装。无论如何,我现在使用的是 NuGet 2.5,但自 VS 2003 以来,DTE 并没有发生任何重大变化,因此即使在您使用的旧版 NuGet 中也应该可以使用。

param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)

# Selections of items in the project are done with Where-Object rather than
# direct access into the ProjectItems collection because if the object is
# moved or doesn't exist then Where-Object will give us a null response rather
# than the error that DTE will give us.

# The Service.cs will show with a sub-item if it's already got the designer
# file set. In the package upgrade scenario, you don't want to re-set all
# this, so skip it if it's set.
$service = $project.ProjectItems | Where-Object { $_.Properties.Item("Filename").Value -eq "Service.cs" -and  $_.ProjectItems.Count -eq 0 }

if($service -eq $null)
    # Upgrade scenario - user has moved/removed the Service.cs
    # or it already has the sub-items set.

$designer = $project.ProjectItems | Where-Object { $_.Properties.Item("Filename").Value -eq "Service.Designer.cs" }

if($designer -eq $null)
    # Upgrade scenario - user has moved/removed the Service.Desginer.cs.

# Here's where you set the designer to be a dependent file of
# the primary code file.


于 2013-05-15T15:41:22.923 回答

这是一个使用 Build.Evaluation 的简短示例,它是 Visual Studio 2010+ 的一部分

$buildProject = @([Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.ProjectCollection]::GlobalProjectCollection.GetLoadedProjects($project.FullName))[0]

$toEdit = $buildProject.Xml.Items | where-object { $_.Include -eq "Service.Designer.cs" }
$toEdit.AddMetaData("DependentUpon", "Service.cs")
# ... for the other files

于 2012-09-06T02:46:41.607 回答