经过广泛的研究,我得出的结论是我的案例是独一无二的,我需要问一下。我的 PHP 知识非常有限,我正试图完全根据谷歌结果来完成这项工作。

目标:创建一个显示包含 5 列(端口、L1 状态、L2 状态、帧错误、活动调用)的 HTML 表的网页 这些列中的每一列的日期都存储在单个数据库表中,这就是诀窍,大多数这些数据来自同一个字段...这意味着我需要创建 5 个不同的查询。我试图创建一个查询(如果可以的话,我相信它会起作用),但我做不到。

到目前为止的结果:只有第 5 个查询结果的表和表的其余部分重复填充只有第一个查询。


<!-- Simple HTML to Create the table layout -->
<table border=1 style="background-color:#F0F8FF;" >
<th>L1 Status</th>
<th>L2 Status</th>
<th>Framing Errors</th>
<th>Active calls</th>
<!-- END Simple HTML to Create the table layout -->
$server = "localhost";
$dbname = "database";
$user = "user";
$password = "password";
$con = mysql_connect($server,$user,$password) or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($dbname) or die (mysql_error());

$query1="select right(name, 10) as 'Port' from items where hostid = (select hostid from hosts where name = 'MIAGATE01') and key_ like '%activeChannels[%' and key_ not like '%SNMPINDEX%' order by name";
$query2="select lastvalue as 'Layer1' from items where hostid = (select hostid from hosts where name = 'MIAGATE01') and key_ like '%statusLayer1[%' and key_ not like '%SNMPINDEX%' order by name";
$query3="select lastvalue as 'Layer2' from items where hostid = (select hostid from hosts where name = 'MIAGATE01') and key_ like '%statusLayer1[%' and key_ not like '%SNMPINDEX%' order by name";
$query4="select lastvalue as 'Framing_Errors'from items where hostid = (select hostid from hosts where name = 'MIAGATE01') and key_ like '%frameErrors[%' and key_ not like '%SNMPINDEX%' order by name";
$query5="select lastvalue as 'Active_Calls' from items where hostid = (select hostid from hosts where name = 'MIAGATE01') and key_ like '%activeChannels[%' and key_ not like '%SNMPINDEX%' order by name";
$result1=mysql_query($query1) or die(mysql_error());
$result2=mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error());
$result3=mysql_query($query3) or die(mysql_error());
$result4=mysql_query($query4) or die(mysql_error());
$result5=mysql_query($query5) or die(mysql_error());

while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)){
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){
while($row3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3)){
while($row4 = mysql_fetch_array($result4)){
while($row5 = mysql_fetch_array($result5)){
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $row1['Port'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $row2['Layer1'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $row3['Layer2'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $row4['Framing_Errors'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $row5['Active_Calls'] . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";

2 回答 2



SELECT h.hostid, 
  RIGHT(port.name,10) AS 'Port', 
  l1.lastvalue AS 'Layer1', 
  l2.lastvalue AS 'Layer2', 
  fe.lastvalue AS 'Framing_Errors', 
  ac.lastvalue AS 'Active_Calls' 
FROM hosts h 
INNER JOIN items port 
  ON port.hostid = h.hostid 
    AND port.key_ LIKE '%activeChannels[%' 
    AND port.key_ not LIKE '%SNMPINDEX%' 
INNER JOIN items l1 
  ON l1.hostid = h.hostid 
    AND l1.key_ LIKE '%statusLayer1[%' 
    AND l1.key_ not LIKE '%SNMPINDEX%'
INNER JOIN items l2 
  ON l2.hostid = h.hostid 
    AND l2.key_ LIKE '%statusLayer2[%' 
    AND l2.key_ not LIKE '%SNMPINDEX%'
INNER JOIN items fe 
  ON fe.hostid = h.hostid 
    AND fe.key_ LIKE '%frameErrors[%' 
    AND fe.key_ not LIKE '%SNMPINDEX%'
INNER JOIN items ac 
  ON ac.hostid = h.hostid 
    AND ac.key_ LIKE '%activeChannels[%' 
    AND ac.key_ not LIKE '%SNMPINDEX%'
WHERE h.name = 'MIAGATE01'
ORDER BY h.name;


while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td>" . $row['Port'] . "</td>";
  echo "<td>" . $row['Layer1'] . "</td>";
  echo "<td>" . $row['Layer2'] . "</td>";
  echo "<td>" . $row['Framing_Errors'] . "</td>";
  echo "<td>" . $row['Active_Calls'] . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
于 2012-05-31T22:12:24.357 回答


您预期的 HTML 表格的每一行是否都包含所有五个数据项?换一种方式问,每个端口是否有一行?从你的问题中看不出来。从您的逻辑来看,不同参数的出现次数当然可能不同。

无论如何...您需要将一堆包含 hostid,parameter 的虚拟表连接在一起,以组合您的显示。像这样,我想。(您的数据非常复杂)。

select hostid.hostid, port.Port, layer1.Layer1, layer2.Layer2
            (select hostid, name
             from hosts
            where name = 'MIAGATE01'
            ) hostid
  left join
            (select hostid, right(name,10) as 'Port'
               from items
              where key_ like '%activeChannels[%' and key_ not like '%SNMPINDEX%'  
            ) port 
        on hostid.hostid = port.hostid
  left join
           (select hostid, lastvalue as 'Layer1'
              from items
             where key_ like '%statusLayer1[%' and key_ not like '%SNMPINDEX%'  
           ) layer1 
        on hostid.hostid = layer1.hostid
  left join
           (select hostid, lastvalue as 'Layer2'
              from items
             where key_ like '%statusLayer2[%' and key_ not like '%SNMPINDEX%'  
           ) layer2 
        on hostid.hostid = layer2.hostid
order by hostid.name, port.Port

看看情况如何?您有很多小选择会生成 hostid 列表,其中值项与您的 key_ 选择标准匹配。然后,您将它们的 hostid 值结合在一起。第一个小选择只是为您想要的特定主机提供了正确的 hostid。



于 2012-05-31T22:20:38.523 回答