我需要在设置为延迟加载的对象上加载属性。当我尝试使用 NhibernateUtil.Initialize() 访问或加载它时,我得到了同样的错误:
“正在初始化 [ProjectName.Logic.Entities.AddressList#9] - 无法初始化代理 - 没有会话。”
foreach (MemberViewModel MVM in _filteredMemberViewModels)
foreach (Detail Mailings in MVM.Member.Mailings)
//used for lazy loading
using (var repo = new AddressListRepository(true))
public class DetailMap : ClassMap<Detail>
public DetailMap()
// Unique Identifier
Id(x => x.Id, "Id")
// MANY TO ONE relationship (the list has many details)
References<AddressList>(x => x.AddressList, "ListId")
// MANY TO ONE relationship (Members have details)
References<Member>(x => x.Member, "MemberId")
// First line of Address
Map(x => x.Address, "Address")
// Second line of Address
Map(x => x.Address2, "Address2")
// City
Map(x => x.City, "City")
// State
Map(x => x.State, "State")
// Zip
Map(x => x.Zip, "Zip")
// Finalized date
Map(x => x.FinalizedDate, "FinalizedDate")
// Date the list is created by
Map(x => x.CreatedDate, "CreatedDate")